second year

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Ron,harry,lilana,evan and kevin walked inside Hogwarts near where the luggage is at they put their stuff their and familiars but Hedwig was with harrys shoulder but invisible she made a clone out of magic.

Harry told ron about his plans and everything hes trying to accomplish even about voldemort and how he told him about their both distant cousins.

Ron of course was shocked then angry at the fact that harry was related to a guy kike voldemort then nodded at and excepted and told him he would be harry most faithful and loyal right hand man. Harry told him about neville and that neville is his left hand man and that once ron proved himself he would have the honor of becoming a god. And ruling by his side as one of the thirty six universal gods.

Harry told him that the body he sees is nothing but a clone and that his real body is either training or continuing his plane and that it is the same with his siblings.

Ron looked worried as if he has to wait and apologize again to harry.

"Don't worry you won't have to apologize again once this year ends and we go back to them Dursleys we will pass the knowledge of what happened this year to the original he will know of your apology and where your loyalty stands. Now lets see where hermione stands" said harry

"You know i don't see snape at the head table maybe he got fired?" Ron mocked

Harry had to laugh it was funny but snap will still pay for telling Voldemort the prophecy and giving him crap last year.

"Hmm maybe the he got fried by Voldemort?" Harry laughed

Harry siblings just rolled their eyes

"Maybe he decided it was time to wash his hair done, the greasy git" said ron giggling

"Or maybe he's wondering why two hogwarts student's were not the Hogwarts express and are missing the feast" said snape

Snape had a gleeful face while glaring at them with a smirk

Harry was not standing for that

"Ron make sure to send snape here a muggle tooth brush for his greasy teeth and some muggle soap for his hair because I could literally got so much grease i could cook food with it" harry snorted while saying it

He saw snape eye darken with anger and harry looked like he didn't care and gave snap a pure bored look in his face.

Lilana just yawned
Evan just scratched his head and kevin just looks like he was going to pass out

"Follow me" snap growled with venom and harry did a mock bow that said show the way

Snap scrawled they followed but harry wasn't going to fear him. Hell play the griffin golden boy but he won't take shit from snap

Once they arrived at snaps potion office he read a newspaper

"You were seen by at least seven muggles" snap growls and unfolded the daily prophet  and set it in his desk

"Care to explain why the hell you risked our world being seen to fly a tampered with muggle car?" he sneered in their faces.
Ron shivered why harry looked bored
Lilana,evan and kevin didn't care

"But what could we do the barrier closed up on us!" Cried out ron

"We couldn't get threw"said harry

"How were we supposed to say anything? My parents couldn't get back through!" Ron exclaimed

Snap faces showed hatred and disbelief

"You had owls didn't you though?" Said Snape

Ron looked shameful and harry decided to play along

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