the lord of chaos part 2

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Harry knew he had to give spawn,vyrde,angela,seras and alucard tasks to do.

"Alright I need you vyrde along with spawn to get your armys trained Intel the war begins" said harry

"~Very well master~" said vyrde
Spawn just nodded

"Angela I need you to advance the defences and attack power of the assyria" said harry

She nodded and teleported away

Well that was everyone but still if he was the mother and queen of the new gods as well as the mother of the cosmos since the old god Zeus died ages ago it was harrys to take.

He need more gods hell he knew he could give god hood to people he found worthy and trustworthy now he knew that Nevil would be worthy as when he bumped into him at that time in the hospital wing when he got knocked out from Quidditch.

Harry was in the Infirmary twitching his eye brow with anger he almost had the same snitch if that cowered of a beater from huffelpuff didn't hit it at him he fell and got his arm broke.

Your wondering why he didn't just heal it up and how can he get hurt since one of his abilities is invulnerability well since he can't show his true power and smarts well that's because dumbelfuck well notice and he needed more time and his plans hadn't even begun. Granger and weasely came and tried and told him everything though he used legitmeacy to see if they were telling the truth and found out they actually did and saw some look of sorry and regret which shocked him but didn't show it.
(Maybe their is some hope for friendship and redemption for them but best keep a close eye on them. I only know that dumbeldore payed them to be my friends but nothing else but to spy on me and see what I do. Hmm I'll tell they left after harry spoke to them for a little bit.

He noticed someone come in and sniffed and cried and madam pomfrey walked quickly to him and gave him some medicine and used a healing spell for his cuts and some for his black eye which didn't heal that much.

When she left Nevil scrowl and harry sensed the hatred,vengeance and hurt from him and was intrigued when Nevil arua came out and started to heal his eye and it was healing better and from the look it would go away tommorow.

"Hey Nevil I never new you could use healing arua?" Said harry

Nevil jumped and pointed his wand at harry with a glare which for the first shocked harry a little and then with a snap of harrys fingers a barrier and silencing spell was put around them and harry glared and transformed into his god/titan/primordial/multi creature species form Nevil looked like he was about to empty his stomach and pass out from the fear,horror and terror on his face and the way his body was flinching.

"~so nevil?~" Harry asked with a soft yet dark and cold slur
"~You going to try and attack my again?~" Harry asked this time putting more of a cold icy tone into it. Nevil almost gaged from the flood of harrys true arua.

Neil looked at the color it was blood red that surrounded harrys body like cartoon lines. Nevil new that blood red meant that someone was very powerful and not to mess with. Then he saw semi huge slithers of golden yellow rising and turning into flame that was surrounding the top layers of the blood red line.

He then saw magenta for the middle color and it looked soft yet firm and moved like a slow wave of water that sounded the golden yellow flames. He knew he-who-must-not-be-named,Grindelwald and dumbeldore were not only close blood red but were almost close to magenta in their primes.

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