the sibling are revived

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Harry was smirking with excitement and joy he was going to revive his parents as well as regulas black. Then he felt something when he looked at his mother he put his hand on her dead corps which was preserved and she look like she didn't age at all. He pushed his magic and he felt it he felt what mystical creatures such as dragons would call kin. Harrys now realizing that on that night his parents dying his mother was pregnant from what he could tell was a six month old girl and he also sensed two fertilize eggs that were in their first stage.

Harry grew angry and his magic started to get more intense and started to destroy certain things that was standing. Hedwig and her brother onix
Yes harry named the raven onix teleported and were in their normal forms than then their human forms.

Hedwig kept singing her songs and onix kept putting images inside of harry s head of toms death to calm him down.

After a hour harry calmed down and they saw tear marks on his face with a determination in his eyes. Harry used his telekinesis to lift his mother up then he used his power to extract his dead six month old sister and the two fertilize eggs which had his fathers sperm in it. The eggs look like very small looking humans but incomplete.

He put lily back down and sealed the coffin shut. He then summoned a soul chamber and used fire magic to heat up the fertilize eggs and used time magic to speed up their age. Once his younger sister looked like a year younger and his two younger brothers look like two years younger he stopped.

He then put his memory's in their head and then used soul magic and life magic to revive them completely.

He lifted them up and put them on the soft sofas and went into the tapestry and look at the family tree he saw their names

Lilana Jessica potter,Evan chris potter,Kevin lucas potter

Once they were on their harry felt happy no joy he had a family he felt over protective just like he felt over protective of his children. He would protect them and if anybody hurt them they would now the wrath of the queen and mother of the gods.

Once he got out of the room he went to the living room and looked at his siblings. Lilana look just like their mother lily but their was a slight difference her hair was dark but not like his she had specks of brownish red in her hair and when she was revived he saw she had a perfect combination of their parents eyes.

Evan and Kevin are twins he knew that but Evan had lilys hair color while Kevin had the perfect combination of their parents hair color and had the famous potter hair style he remembered their eye color they both had their fathers eye color.

Harry was waiting when he sensed hedwig and onix and his snakes come to him.

His snakes medusa,Asmodeus,jaafar,Nyx,Blaze,
Nari come to him and slither up to his body with asmodeus and medusa wrap themselves around his stomach. Blaze and jaafar wrap themselves around harrys arms and bar I wraps herself around harrys neck. Onix lands on harrys right shoulder while hedwig lands on harrys left shoulder.

Harry notices that they start to wake up Lilana is the first to wake up and she looks around intel she looks at harry. She opens her mouth
"H-harry b-big brother" said Lilana trying to talk right
Harry smiled with some tears in his eyes and ran and hugged her tightly and then he notices that Evan and kevin start to Huge harry tightly as well.

Harry notice that he is starting to feel hot then he sees that hes growing four other sets of arms and he feels his eyes sting and his head hurt.

Then put of panic harry tosses his familiars to his revived siblings then harry is lifted off the ground and with a bright light harry appearances changes greatly.

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