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Jason Kim had decided to take Serena for a walk around Stanley Park. Both of them were working on the sci-fi series Wormhole. The entire walk could take as long as two hours even at a brisk pace, but Jason was up to the task. Any chance he could have to be around Serena he would take. He was the envy of all of his friends.

"It's nice to have a day off," Serena said. She really needed to recharge.

"Yes I know. They work us all like dogs on this series," Jason said stretching his arms up.

They stopped just before the lighthouse and looked out at the cargo ships. She loved the sea air and the lifestyle out here. Now that she had a day off she could really see that things were a lot less tense than they were in Toronto.

"How do you ever find time for relationships with that work schedule?" she asked him. He was a couple of years younger than her. But she was attracted to him. He had gorgeous eyes, she thought.

"Ha! Relationships," he laughed. "They have free marriage counselling for the crew. That should tell you how good these hours are for relationships."

Serena was smiling inside. But then she would suddenly think of Rupert and all of his problems. Why did she have to feel guilty for being on this walk? They continued along the path with the ocean to their left and a massive wall of craggly wet rock to their right. Cyclists and joggers zipped by endlessly. There had been nothing but rain for the past week, so it was a rare sunny day. A large cruise ship slowly made its way out to sea.

She felt her phone hum inside her purse. She opened it up and took out her cell. It was a text from Rupert: IN HOSPITAL. DOING OKAY. NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU ON SKYPE 2morrow. LUV RUPERT.

She stopped and gasped. "The hospital? Oh Rupert no."

Jason stopped walking. "Everything okay?"

" Everything is not okay." She called Rupert's phone but it immediately went to voicemail. "Shit," she said frustrated. She left a message. "Rupert it's me. I guess you can't pick up the phone. But I just got your text. Are you okay, honey?"

Jason looked up at the Lions Gate Bridge trying to pretend he didn't care who this 'Rupert' was.

She continued, "Anyway. When you can call me I'll be waiting. And yes. Let's Skype soon. Bye. Hope you're okay."

She put her phone in her purse and then walked with a furrowed brow.

"Your friend Rupert. Is he okay?"

"I hope so," she said. She was deeply concerned for Rupert, but it was just endless drama lately. What about her needs? She always had to be strong for Rupert. It wasn't fair.

"There's a fish 'n chip stand just up here - and ice cream," Jason said trying to change the subject away from Rupert, whoever he was.

As they walked on she accidentally brushed her hand against Jason's and he gently tugged her hand for a moment. Then he let go. She gazed at his handsome face and then reached out for his hand. He held her hand back.

* * *

In Toronto, Rupert's hands were still burning, even though Dr. Baldwin assured him he was doing much better.

"You may not be able to play piano for a few months. But we'll have you back home soon," she smiled. "So far there is no infection. The bandages will have to stay on until the skin completely heals. You're a very lucky man."

Rupert looked at her amazed. "Me? Lucky? Pffft. You would not believe the last week of my life!"

"Well try and stay positive. You're making progress." She signed something on her clipboard, gave Rupert a confident nod and then left.

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