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First of all I would like to genuinely thank from the bottom of my heart anyone who read this book to the end. There was a very real possibility that this novel was never going to see the light of day. It sat on my hard drive very long time while I worked on other projects.

The pandemic seemed like the perfect time to release it since I was just sitting at home. I wondered how many other people were sitting at home wanting something new to read. So the fact that anyone has read this at all is very exciting and rewarding for me.

I would like to thank my family members who encouraged me and helped me edit. Thank you to Debi and Ewen who read through it several times to correct spelling and grammar errors.

I would also like to thank Jamillah Ross who helped me come up with the basic premise. We were trying to come up with a scary story that would be a good movie premise. Instead of writing a screenplay I decided to write a novel so I could get all of the visual details out of my mind out onto a page. This process also help me to flesh out the more complex details of this fictional family I was writing about.

Jamillah also helped me film the promotional music video and has recorded the first three chapters of a possible audio book.

I would also like to thank Sean Browning who is a fellow Wattpadder and someone who I know in the actual real world. Sean helped me figure out how to navigate Wattpad. It seems so easy now but it was very daunting at first.

I hope you all enjoyed 13 WINDOWS. It was very therapeutic for me.  There were many times that I could truly identify with the emotional world of the characters as I worked out my own issues of PTSD and anxiety. I hope you found it enjoyable and therapeutic as well. Horror can be very cathartic.

Stay safe and healthy

Sean Fisher

March 1, 2021

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