Chapter 28 Part 3: HOMELAND

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Rupert realized that he was not winning whatever game this strange man was playing with him. But he was still smart enough to figure out that there was a pattern to how this psychopath was acting. Clearly Stefan Streicher had studied Rupert well and knew what he was likely to do next. So Rupert decided to try and act spontaneous.

It was normal for Rupert to sleep in late, for instance. So Rupert planned to exit the hotel much earlier than normal. He did not sleep because his anxiety was overwhelming him. His mind was analyzing the immediate problem at hand, and it was refusing to let him sleep until the danger had been eliminated.

So at 6:00 AM Rupert left his darkened room and walked quietly down the creaky stairs with his bag. He was traveling lightly with only a handbag, two changes of clothes and a bathroom kit.

The owner of the hotel and his younger daughter were setting up the breakfast table. He was the only guest who was up at this early hour. Rupert settled his bill after a quick meal of coffee, toast and jam. He was running on sugar and caffeine. Rupert looked carefully through the front window. There wasn't a soul around on the street. It was still dark. He asked the owner to call a taxi for him.

A few minutes later the cab arrived. Rupert emerged quickly into the crisp air and then entered the cab. Using some broken German, Rupert asked the taxi driver to take him to the airport. They sailed down the empty streets. Rupert stared out the back window for any sign of anyone. But there were no other cars on the street. The sun began to rise above the Alps giving everything a purple and orange glow.

Rupert was sure that Stefan would expect him to take a train rather than a plane. That was how he had originally planned the trip. If Rupert could make it to the airport and get on a plane quickly it would be unlikely that Stefan would be able to catch up to him. He fully expected that no matter how far he separated himself from Stefan that eventually this obsessed psychopath would find his way to him. And because of Stefan's obsession, Rupert could no longer rest.

If he could get a head start to Romania first then he may have a chance. He would head to Bucharest and then find his way to the Carpathians. Hopefully, by then, Gavriella would have the name of the town he was searching for.

When he arrived at Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Airport he was only able to find a flight to Vienna. But when the small plane took off at 8:30 AM Rupert felt like he had succeeded in his escape. He took a good look at every single passenger on the plane and no one resembled his nemesis. When Rupert remembered that Stefan was also using an alternative look, he again went to the bathroom and checked every passenger of the plane.

In Vienna, Rupert was able to purchase a ticket for a flight that was leaving at noon and arriving in Bucharest at 2:00 PM. He supposed at this point it wouldn't hurt to change his appearance.

He purchased some hair dye, remembering Harrison Ford in The Fugitive. He locked himself into a handicapped bathroom and dyed his hair blond. Then Rupert purchased a fedora and a pair of reading glasses. He didn't think he was being paranoid after seeing the strange video on his computer and hearing the recording of his voice looped on his phone.

Rupert went to a pay phone and called his mother. Sandra answered the phone sounding suspicious.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Mom it's me," Rupert said.

"Rupert! GOD! I was so worried. Where are you? I heard from Jens that you left Heidelberg already. Are you okay?" Sandra asked sounding relieved to hear from her son.

Rupert didn't want to alarm her. "Oh everything is fine. I just... Heidelberg was boring. Just thought I'd keep touring around. I'm going to Romania next."

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