Chapter 26 Part 3: BUG

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Rupert gazed out of the window of the train and his eyes glazed over as the trees passed endlessly and rhythmically across his eyes. He was traveling to Munich. Ultimately he was on his way to Romania. Anna had told him that Europeans were traveling more by air these days. But Rupert wanted to at least see some of Europe on his way to Bucharest. After all, this was a personal journey for him. But Rupert was also uneasy about traveling to Romania. He would never have thought to travel there if he hadn't discovered this strange and horrific family history.

He hoped to find out more information on his way. Heidelberg had been full of unexpected surprises. He thought back to what had happened in the past few days before leaving on the train.

The day after Rupert had gone to the University he had received a call from the professor urging him to come back to the office. He had discovered more information about Hans Schiller/Stefan Streicher. When Rupert arrived he could see on the professor's large computer screen a compiled and comprehensive history of Stefan.

Hans Schiller had been associated with several neo-Nazi groups in Romania and Germany. In fact, he had been arrested in Germany for operating a white supremacist web page that used Nazi era symbols. He had also been arrested in Romania for attacks on immigrants."

"What a lovely family to be related to," Rupert said sarcastically. Professor Levin managed a smile, but these issues were not jokes to him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be insensitive. I just don't know how else to handle it," Rupert said. "We use a lot of sarcasm in North America."

The professor waved it off. "We all deal with these issues in different ways."

"Is there any more information?" Rupert asked.

Professor Levin typed into his computer. Another page came up on the screen. "Yes he was last arrested in 2005 in connection with a skinhead march in Bucharest. And I think this is the last of the information I have about him. But if I had to guess, I would say that's where he probably is. Germany cracks down harder on these guys than Romania does. The path of least resistance would be Bucharest."

"Why is that?" asked Rupert.

The professor turned from the screen and spoke directly to Rupert, "Romania is still in denial about their past. They even have a monument to Ion Antonescu in Romania," said the Professor with disgust.

"You can't be serious," said Rupert.

"You can see for yourself when you go there. This is the only European country that still has a monument to a fascist," said the professor.

Rupert paused. "I guess I will have to go to Romania then."

The professor answered quickly, "That's what I would do if I was serious about finding him. On the other hand, his pattern seems to be that he follows you. So if you really wanted to find him you might just want to stay still," said the professor.

Rupert paused and looked at the office around him.

"Well...don't stay exactly right here... if you don't mind," joked the professor. "I would rather not meet up with this guy."

Rupert laughed. He stood up and reached out to shake the professor's hand. "Thank you Professor. You've been a great help. I'll get out of your hair now."

Avi tapped the top of his bald head. "I wish I had hair for you to get out of. But really I am pleased to help you with this. And if you wouldn't mind, keep in touch by e-mail and let me know your progress. I'll keep searching for more information and let you know if I find anything."

Rupert nodded and said, "Great idea. I'll keep in touch."

He spent the rest of the day wandering around the city and touring the Heidelberg Castle. His mind tried to process all of the information he had learned. 'What would he find in Romania?' he wondered to himself. He made his way towards the train station to find out how he could make his way to Bucharest.

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