plastering on another grin, i stuck out my hand for him to shake, "karasuno's a bit desperate then, huh daichi?" his sugary tone conflicted with this taunting words as he turned to face our captain.

then, a ball was suddenly thrown our way, and i acted upon instinct. sticking out the end of my umbrella, i deflected the ball from smacking the brown haired boy and looked over at who threw the projectile.

"are you okay?" i asked the brunette, and he nervously nodded.

the boy who threw the ball scowled at the brunette and then looked at me, "don't protect him next time. trashykawa needs to learn his lesson."

i deadpanned at this, slightly worried for the brunette who was faking his energy, but shrugged it off and took the water bottles to the team bench.

pulling out my notebook, i started to look at the opposing team's stats and took quick notes. the boy from earlier came over to me, "sorry about that angel chan~! i'm oikawa toru, captain of aoba johsai and setter!"

seeing his smile made me a bit sad, but i still decided not to say anything, "i'm (l/n) (y/n). i'm looking forward to your playing skills." now that he was closer, i slipped into the see through world and analyzed his strength.

he thought i was doing something else.

leaning down so that his face was level to mine, he smirked, "like what you see angel chan?"

i grinned at him and scribbled into my notebook, "i have a feeling that there's a lot more to you than you let on. keeping your emotions bottled up isn't a good idea, yknow?"

his grin slipped and i watched as his expression fell. he started walking away, "i'll talk to you later angel chan."

time skip brought to you by sabito and makomo 💘

it was the middle of the first set and the game was very close. i crossed my legs and leaned my chin into my palm while closely watching the boys play.

taking note of their small movements, i began to see the different patterns in seijoh's attacks, quickly telling them to coach ukai when i noticed.

my gaze changed when i was analyzing them, falling into the usual moods i had while fighting demons. some of the aoba johsai boys noticed, anxiously looking at me with red faces. i snapped out of my daze when ukai called for a time out.

he motioned me over and i came to the circle, quickly explaining what i understood. once the time ended, they went back out, ready to look for the different signs that i had pointed out.

time skip brought to you by sakusa's mask💘 (i do not know how volleyball games work so we skipping)

it was a tight game, but karasuno managed to pull through at the end. i decided to give all of the players a bit of advice, also quickly talking to aoba johsai. "i'm karasuno's analyst! (l/n) (y/n). your coach is letting me give advice, so i'll be going over that real quick. you really deserve your title as one of the stronger powerhouse schools in miyagi, the only reason karasuno won was because i noticed your patterns as a team and because they know how to change things up."

i walked into the middle of the circle, addressing the players individually (a/n - i only have the mental capacity for three players, but pretend she did everyone), "kunimi, you're just like tsuki. once you find your reason to play and never give up, you'll be a much more formidable player." the boy blushed as i stood in front of him and explained. "iwaizumi, your brute power is amazing, and i think that you could improve your serves if you follow your captain. and oikawa." he straightened up and gave me his classic smile, and i poked his chest as i spoke.

"i meant what i said earlier. you can find me if you want."

backing up, i faced the whole group once more, "you all did amazing today! good job!"

they all bowed toward me, "thank you very much!"

i gave them all one last smile, locking eyes one last time with the captain, and went back over to the crows. "(l/n), suga and hinata grabbed your stuff for you," shimizu informed me once i came over to her.

grabbing the rest of the materials, i walked out with the manager toward the bus. when i got there, a few familiar faces were waiting for me.

"(y/n)!! about time for your flamboyant entrance!!" the sound pillar grinned at me, and i was tackled by three women.

"ah, makio! suma! hina! it's been too long since i've seen you three! how have you all been?" embracing the group, i smiled at each of them, slightly ignoring the hashira in the background.

makio linked her elbow with mine, "we're stealing you for the rest of the day!"

hinatsuru linked onto my other side, "no questions asked!"

and suma guided me from behind with her hands on my shoulders, "let's get going~!"

i dug my heels into the ground, "wait wait wait! i need my things from the boys before we go!" looking at the women, they finally let me go, and i walked over to the confused boys. "ah, sorry guys! these are some friends of mine i haven't seen in awhile, heh. i'll be heading back with them, could i get my stuff?"

the grey haired setter came over and handed me my bag, "here you go (y/n)! i think hinata and kageyama are on the bus right now..."

smiling at him i chirped, "thanks suga!"

as i hopped into the bus, i distinctly heard tanaka and noya pounce on the third year, "DID YOU CALL HER BY HER FIRST NAME??"

i chuckled while watching his flustered state, and proceeded into the bus. i came upon... an interesting sight.

hinata was wielding my umbrella like a sword, ironic, and kageyama looked thoroughly annoyed. my instincts kicked in and i rushed over to them, "hinata!" i grabbed the umbrella from his hands and made sure that the clip on the side was holding the sword in place, "ah, sorry, this umbrella is just... important to me, i guess."

the poor middle blocker bowed, "s-sorry (l/n)! i didn't mean to do that..."

calm once more, i ruffled his hair, "it's okay hinata! you didn't know." i started to head back outside of the bus, but stoped by the front, "oh, i'm heading back with some friends of mine, just so you know. uh.... don't fight you two, i'll know." doing a small, i'm watching you, hand signal, i then winked at the two first years. they both blushed heavily, and i let out a giggle before i left.

once i stepped off, i was quickly picked up by the waist and thrown on the shoulder of the sound hashira, "we shall leave flamboyantly and not waste time (y/n)!!!"

i saw the laughing faces of the three wives and pouted slightly, "uzui!!!! put me down!!!"

as expected, he just heartily laughed and pulled me away. i muttered quietly, knowing that he would hear me, "stupid sound hashira."

he immediately dropped me, and i did a quick flip to land on my feet, smirking at the man in victory. i sped off, grabbing the three women with me, "see ya later old man uzui!"

the pillar started chasing after us, "give me back my wives (y/n)!!!!"

word count - 1850
a/n - the realization that oikawa was like shinobu BROKE ME i had to include it :) like and comment if you enjoyed!

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