@zaynmalik Fans aren’t just fans.. they’re part of family.


@zaynmalik If she’s got a nice smile, then that makes everything else worthwhile.


I saw my watch and realized it’s time for us to leave. We got a jet because Simon doesn't want any crazy fans hurt us again like last time we jetted out to New York for our concert. So, I came to Nadia and said," let's go, Nad. We don't want to be late."
I like girls that are chilled out, that don’t really care about anything. That are just cool. And I got it inside of her personality. So, I will never let her go.

Harry POV

I’m awful at covering my thoughts and feelings. I know it since a long time ago. But I have to covering it all now if I don’t want to get any problem with my mates again. Zayn is going to proposed Nadia as soon as we back to London. He asked for our help. I felt like I do want to help him because he’s my mate. But there’s also a part of me that wants to stop him. A part that wants to shouted out right to him and said that I love the girl who’s sat there and has a frown expression. But I just couldn’t do it.

“let’s go, Harry! Its time to leave.” Liam pattedme on the shoulder and I just nodded and followed him to the door.


We’re already on the plane. I sat beside Louis and the girl I love sat beside Ja’far on the seat next to me. I couldn’t stop staring at her beautiful face. Knowing that next some hours she’ll really belongs to Zayn just made my heart beats faster. I don’t know what should I do. Everyone’s already slept now except me and Nadia. I saw her playing twitter so, I did the same. While watching her, I saw tears welling fall before she got up and walked toward the toilet. Out of curiosity I opened her page and there I saw directioner start writing bad things about Nadia.

I walked to the toilet and started knocking on the door. Just to hear her crying makes me sad. I could not let it just like that. So, I started calling her name, "Nadia, please open the door! We should talk." and so she came out of the toilet.

“I know that everything they say it sucks. But it was all nonsense. Do not let it destroy you all.” I hugged her. I don’t know whether everyone will be angry or not, I just want to calm her right now. Iwipe away the tears and she hugged me back. Oh, how I wish it will be last forever.

“I loved you, Harry. I did. But everything is just too late now and we got a lot of differences.” She whispered to me. Not so loud but still I could hear it and with that shetook her hands offmy arms. I stood there. Frozen. I went back to my seat after Nadia left me in front of toilet. I sat there with silence. I kept playing what she said to me inside of my head. She loves me. I lie awake just to convince myself this wasn’t just a dream. But what about Zayn? What about everyone? I tweet again.

@Harry_Styles I’m looking for a girl who’s cheeky and who’ll make me chase her. The fun is all in the chase.


@Harry_Styles I’m just a normal teenager boy. I’m not like robots.

I got a lot of reply on my tweet but there just one person, one id who caught my eyes. Nadia replied to me.

@nadiakhan348 @Harry_Styles sometimes the chase things isn’t fun at all.


@Harry_Styles @nadiakhan348 I’m very loyal and faithful, and my mom tells me that I’m romantic ;)


We’re here in London. Some hours again and Nadia will belongs to Zayn.

“Guys, let’s go!” Zayn called out of us and we left the airport going to the place where Zayn going to proposed her. Propose the one I love. My heart just broke into pieces now. I tried to hide my feeling so, I cuddling up to Louis.

“We’re here!” Zayn said it excitedly.

Zayn’s POV

“We’re here!” I said it excitedly.

“where are we, Zayn?” Nadia asked curiosity.

“Come, follow me and you’ll see.” I ordered her and smiled.

I already asked people to set up everything. This place already be a romantic place. Its on the lake. A nice lake. There was candles with a love shape. I brought Nadia there in the middle of it before I fall on one knee, held her hand, and saying, ”I know I’ve been a jerk. I know that we’ve been in this situation because of our parents things. But I do really love you. Since the first time we met until now. I can’t get my eyes off you. There are lots of people on this earth who bring smile on my face but you are the only person on this earth who brings smile in my heart. I'll destroy the way. Just to see you every day. I will fly up to the sky because I really, deeply, truly, foolishly in love with you so, will you marry me?”

I looked up to see Nadia tears. I smiled to her and she just nodded made my smile grew bigger.

Harry’s POV

Nadia accepted his proposed. They are going to get marriage. I can’t stand this. I went to the car and crying. Paul came in and turned on the radio. It’s started with our song.

I should’ve kissed you.

I felt my heart really in pain now.

I felt the radio laughed on me.

I should be happy for them but I just couldn’t.


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