Chapter 13: The Villain Assault

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"This isn't a training exercise. Those are real villains!"

As the villains all exited the portal, the portal began to morph once again. In the dark swirling mass, a pair of bright yellow eyes emerged. This portal was not simply just a portal: it was a villain who could use his own body to activate portals, and his name was Kurogiri.

Kurogiri and the rest of the villains were all serving other the leader of their little rag-tag group, the man with shaggy light blue hair, Tomura Shigaraki. And today, they were out for blood. All Might's blood. But as Kurogiri observed the people standing at the entrance, he quickly realized that their target was nowhere to be found.

"All I see are Eraserhead and Thirteen," said Kurogiri, his voice deep and menacing. "All Might should be here: according to the schedule we got from U.A. High, he was assigned to this class."

"Is that so?" Shigaraki's voice was ominous, but not in the same way as Kurogiri. Unlike the living portal, this man's voice was high-pitched, erratic, unstable. It was the voice of a psychotic child, an impatient and temperamental soul who wouldn't leave without All Might's head. "I went through the trouble of gathering all these friends who're eager to meet him up-close. They want All Might, the great Symbol of Peace, and he doesn't even have the decency to show up. Well, if I tear open the bodies of a few kids, I'm sure that'd get his attention."

The villains continued their march, eager to fulfill their plan of eradicating the Symbol of Peace once and for all. As the teachers and students watched the villains come for them, Aizawa unfolded his scarf, getting ready to fight these enemies single-handedly. As the unkempt hero prepared for battle, the other students were trying to figure out how something like this could even happen.

Kirishima wasn't getting how they could be so vastly outnumbered. "This doesn't make sense," the red-haired teenager said, "How could so many villains be able to infiltrate U.A.?"

"That's right," said Yaoyorozu, shifting to the front of the crowd of students. "Thirteen, how come the alarms aren't going off?

"Good question," replied Thirteen, "But sadly, I don't have an answer."

"Is the entire campus under attack, or is it focused to just this location," questioned Todoroki, attempting to mull over the possibilities. "Either way, if the alarms aren't triggering, it's more than likely that one of the villains here possesses a quirk that's masking their presence or nullifying the security systems. They must have picked this building to isolate the class, knowing that other heroes wouldn't be able to arrive on the scene. Even though they're idiots for attacking this school, they didn't just do this without thinking it through. Whatever they might be planning, they must have some sort of clear goal in mind. What it could be, I haven't the faintest."

The students only grew more uneasy. What sort of devious schemes did these villains have in store for them?

"Thirteen, alert the main campus and get the students out of here," ordered Aizawa. "Actually, if they've got the power to block our sensors, they've probably blocked off our main communications as well. Kaminari, try and use your communicator to get in touch with the school."


"Wait, what're you gonna do?" The green-haired student knew about Aizawa, his quirk, and his fighting style, so he could get a pretty decent idea of how things would go if he tried to face so many villains head-on. "You can't fight all of them by yourself! Your quirk's meant for stealth missions and one-on-one fights, not huge gang fights like this. Even if you can nullify some of their quirks, you can't handle so many villains at once."

Even though Midoriya's assessment was accurate, this did nothing to hinder the messy-haired hero. "You can't be a hero if you only have one trick."

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