Chapter 12: Unwanted Guests

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All Might's recruitment as a teacher at U.A. High had brought some unwanted attention. Being the Symbol of Peace, the media constantly went after him. They were always on the lookout for All Might whenever he was patrolling, trying to see where he ran off to, whatever they could to get some juicy info on the number one hero. All Might was already quite the media savvy: he didn't see a problem with speaking to the public, showing his face on-camera and letting the masses know what the Symbol of Peace was like.

However, the past few years, the media had become even more crazed. Because of the time limit on his powers, he'd become a bit more of a rare site for the masses and the media to see. But now that news outlets knew he'd be a teacher and be in one place for most of the day, they all rushed to the high school to get a glimpse of the number one hero and get some juicy details on him in the process.

Walking to the entrance of the school, Shigeo Kageyama was baffled by the number of people standing at the entrance. Who were they? The esper took note of the many cameras and microphones in their hands, and put together the fact that they were reporters. But what were they all doing, crowding themselves at the entrance?

"Hey you!" A young woman with a blue suit, short brown hair wrapped in a ponytail, and a yellow bandana wrapped around her left arm noticed Mob coming up from the entrance, and the crowd of people swarmed around him. The teenage esper felt his entire body become paralyzed, a blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"What's it like working so closely with All Might," asked the lady, putting the microphone to the esper's face. Mob felt his mind go into a momentary shutdown: if they knew this child was actually living with All Might, they would feed on him like a school of bloodthirsty sharks. What should he say?



The psychic remained silent for a few seconds, causing the impatience of the news reporters to increase. Eventually, the young teenager managed to work up the nerve to speak up, although his voice was barely above a whisper. "Sorry, I've got to get to class."

The esper had spoken so fast, the news reporters could barely hear what Mob had said, and before they could ask him to repeat himself, he'd already run off. The news reporter could see this wasn't someone who they could get some good info out of.

Now out of the sight of the mass media, the esper was frantically breathing. He felt a tight pain in his chest, and he fiercely clutched his chest. The teenager's face was riddled with sweat, and he felt his heart going crazy. Mob couldn't believe how badly he was freaking out.

This was exactly what happened before at his middle school, during the class president election speech. He'd been coaxed into the idea of running for class president by Mezato, believing it would give him enough of a social standing to impress Tsubomi.

However, it went horribly wrong: when he was up on the stage, his brain had frozen up. He'd never really had any interest in the position itself, and he had absolutely no idea what to say to impress his classmates, to sell himself as a class president. So for five minutes, he'd stood on that stage like an idiot, his throat clamped shut while he trembled with fear. That had been a major blow to his pride: the event had not only showed the entire school how nervous and socially awkward he was, but had also shown him how terrible he was at public speaking, at presenting himself with confidence. It was why now, he could think of nothing to say to the news reporters and ran away like an idiot.

"How is All Might faring as a teacher? What have you learned from him?"

Shigeo looked back and noticed Iida being surrounded by the news reporters. But when they were questioning the blue-haired teenager, instead of trembling or awkwardly mumbling, he spoke with a a very eloquent and advanced reply.

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