Chapter 25: Change

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Now that the esper was able to join in the fight, he extended his hand forward, but as he did, he felt the sharp pain in his left shoulder. He'd spent so much time focusing on activating his powers that it helped him ignore it, but now it was beginning to come back to him. No, he had to keep on fighting! Pain was no excuse to stand on the sidelines!

As the Hero Killer sliced Midoriya's leg and swallowed the blood, he dodged another volley of fire, but as he did, he began to feel his body tense up. Something was restraining him! He looked forward and saw Kageyama with his arm stretched out and an aura around him.

"So you've regained some of your power," the villain said, "Well-" The Hero Killer focused his strength to overpower the esper's hold on him, and with only moderate effort, was able to break free of Shigeo's psychic power, shocking everyone watching.

"You're going to need more power than that to stop me!" Stain dodged another shot of fire from Todoroki, while the esper grunted with more frustration. Once Todoroki finished his fire attack and launched a volley of ice, Kageyama went more on the offensive. He lunged forward and attempted to strike a jab on the villain's cheek, but Stain was able to easily avoid it.

"You've increased your speed too, but it's still not enough, and your movements are still too predictable!" The villain swung at the esper with another small blade, slashing him through his right arm and causing Shigeo to once again yell out in pain. Shoto summoned another volley of ice, but Stain still avoided the attack. The Hero Killer prepared to bring the small blade to his mouth, but Shigeo used his telekinesis to move the blade out of his hand and send it into the wall. Stain's lips curved downward: so the child could move things with his mind as well. He could see why this child relied on his quirk so heavily if it could be used in so many different ways. That would make this fight more difficult than anticipated.

While this was happening, the tears in Iida's eyes began to grow larger, as he watched his friends continue to fight the Hero Killer.

"You have to run," Iida said in a pleading voice that was barely above a whisper.

The dual quirk-wielding teenager grunted. "You wanna make your brother proud, don't you! Then stand up and be Ingenium! Become the hero he wanted you to be!"

This statement rung the deepest for Tenya, and the teenager could no longer hold back his tears. Watching his friends continue fighting for him, bleeding for his sake, risking their lives for his safety, and what did he do? He was just sitting on the ground because he recklessly went after Stain by himself, wanting to use his brother's name to take revenge on the man who hurt him, too focused on enacting this vengeance to help anyone else. It was then that it dawned upon him the veracity of Stain's words. These three were different from him: Tenya was nothing compared to any of them. Even so, that didn't mean he would just stand there and do nothing!

These thoughts were running through the teenager's mind while Shigeo and Shoto were combating the Hero Killer. The esper was dealing with the growing pain from his flesh wounds while his friend continued launching his fire and ice attacks. He was also trying to muster up even more energy if he could, coming to the conclusion that he needed more power than this to overcome the Hero Killer. He tried to use his emotions as fuel again, his aura surrounding him. Mob could do better than this!


Shigeo felt that this was the most energy his psychic power could offer him at the moment, but hopefully it would be enough. The Hero Killer lunged for the esper, but Mob lifted his hand up and immobilized him. Stain could feel that the power surrounding him was more intense than before. Shigeo followed up with his attack and proceeded to slam the villain into the wall. Stain let out a small yelp of pain, but Mob repeated the action, slamming him between two walls so that he collided with the walls a total of four times.

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