Chapter 35: Invasion

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I'm back! I apologize for taking so long to update: I've just been rather busy with college, and I got into a momentary writing slump. But rest assured, I will not abandon this story! So enjoy!

After the two reconciled, things returned back to normal: no, they were better than ever. That moment had been an opportunity for them to express their inner doubts, frustrations and all the hidden negative feelings that had built up for the year that they'd been together. But now that they'd addressed these problems and gotten past them, it only further cemented their bond of friendship, confirming that not only were they each other's best friends, but were like brothers, and that was a bond both of them cherished.

Once they went back to the lunch tables to rejoin the rest of their classmates, they assisted with making the lunch for today, but it went by rather quickly, and before they knew it, they were all going back to their training.

In his isolated training area, the young esper was continuing to rigorously hone his ability to wield two powers simultaneously. With every dirt monster he defeated, the control he exerted over both of his powers improved, the images in his mind becoming clearer. He was also doing his best to improve his skill with his whips, trying to apply everything Mr. Aizawa had told him with the dirt monsters, and for the most part, it was going rather smoothly. However, now one of the next problems he was having was how to use his energy blasts. When it came to using his powers creatively in combat, Kageyama didn't have the keen, exploratory mind to find new ways to fight with his powers, always choosing to use his basic abilities in combat.

Kageyama had started using basic energy blasts, which were easy enough to make, but the blasts of energy he made were extremely large, uncontrolled, and were easy to predict. So how could he spice things up? What kind of different moves could he perform with his powers? He just didn't know...

Unable to come up with any cool moves, the esper decided to focus on the basics he'd been working on so far, and made it rather far with that training. Time had passed by too quickly for Shigeo before he was called for dinner again by Mr. Aizawa. When the teenager walked back to the lunch tables, he was greeted by his best friend.

"Hey Shige," said Midoriya, "How'd your training go? Have you gotten a better control of your whips?"

"Yea, things are going ok," he replied, "And what about you, Izuku? Was your training with Tiger any better than yesterday?"

The green-haired teenager let out a soft, awkward chuckle, "Well, Tiger's a pretty intense training instructor, so my body's pretty much exhausted all of it's energy."

"I'm sure relaxing in the hot springs will help you relax."

"I hope so too, Shige." The two teenagers warmly smiled at one another: though neither of them had made a point to address it, the two of them had now begun to refer to each other by their first names, and actually, Izuku was using the shortened version of Shigeo's name that only Ritsu ever used before. It'd started at lunch earlier today, when Izuku first referred to his friend by that name, and Shigeo had decided to go along with it. This was an indicator of their strengthened bond, proof that they were truly best friends.

When the two of them got to the lunch tables, they joined the other thirty eight classmates in making dinner for tonight. Both Izuku and Shigeo were assigned to their separate stations to prepare the ingredients for their dinner, all of the students hard at work.

"Hey can somebody pass me the salt?" said Ashido.

"I've got it." The esper summoned his telekinetic whip, carefully wrapping it around the container of salt and passing it to the pink-haired girl. She, along with several of the other classmates, felt their mouthes gape open slightly and their eyebrows lightly raised up.

100 Percent HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora