Chapter 7: Final Results

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The U.A. Practical Exam has begun! Now you'll get to see how Shigeo does in the practical exam and just what exactly he can do with his psychic powers. So devour Chapter 7 of 100 Percent Hero!

The doors to the battle center burst open, and with that, Shigeo Kageyama's exam had begun. The esper used his psychic abilities to propel himself at amazing speeds, creating a large gust of wind that momentarily threw the other contestants off balance. They were dumbfounded by the power this seemingly regular applicant possessed, and it took them about a second to start their sprint into the arena.

"Now where to look..."

Mob didn't even need to ask: at the first street intersection, one of the robots worth one point appeared with its weapons primed for attack. Instead of legs, this machine was equipped with a large wheel to move around. Its arms were equipped with large machine guns, and its forearms were protected with large shields that had the number one on them to make it easy to recognize its point value. With a forward palm thrust, the esper severed the head of the machine and sent it flying through the air. The machine remained motionless for a moment, then, with a slow thud, fell to the ground.

"That's one point." The powerful psychic continued to trek through the streets, waiting for more of the machines to arrive. After sprinting through two different intersections, he was greeted with the sight of two other robots, one worth two and the other worth three. The machine worth two points was more animalistic, walking with four legs, a weaponized tail, and a serpentine head. The machine worth three points looked like a turtle: instead of a shell, there were two mounted cannons. Its two front legs were sharp claws ready to slice whoever entered its field of vision.

The three-point robot fired multiple shells at the esper, but the shells were effortlessly stopped by Mob's telekinesis. The two-point robot lunged for the psychic in an attempt to catch him off guard, but Shigeo was too quick. In a split-second, the examinee sent half of the shells at the two-point robot, and the other half was sent to the three-point machine. The shells exploded in a brilliant orange flash, destroying the central processing units of the machines and rendering them inoperable.

"Now that's six points." In less than five seconds, the esper had already taken out three of the obstacles, while most of the other applicants had barely made it to the remains of the first robot destroyed. Now, the examinees who had dared mocked Shigeo saw a glimpse of the destructive power this psychic possessed, and were desperately hoping the esper would leave them enough robots for them to destroy.

While the applicants diligently fought in the battle centers, the teachers of U.A. High were watching how the practical exam was going from their own private monitoring room.

The principal observed all of the students with a small smile on his face. "None of the applicants are aware of the number of robots there are, their locations, or how many remain. With the limited time frame and large setting, they must meticulously search the city for villains to hunt for every target they can find." On the monitors, several applicants were shown either running through the streets, observing the situation from higher ground, or in the process of destroying villains.

"While some utilize high speed to take down their targets, others use advanced surveillance to spot their targets and determine the optimal place to strike. At the same time, many other factors must be taken into account, such as power, confidence, combat ability, and experience. The ones who manage to combine all of these tactics will be the ones who enter this school and rack up the highest scores."

One of the other teachers, a black-haired female with a revealing outfit, was interested by what she was seeing. "Many of the applicants show a lot of potential."

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