Chapter 39: Courage: The Beginning of Mob Psychic

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Didn't expect an update so soon, did you? Well, I've had this chapter planned out for a long time, and I wanted to make it special by releasing it at the end of the year, to end this year on a high note: not only did Mob Psycho Season 3 finish, but now you'll get to see the biggest battle of the story unfold, so enjoy!

From within the rubble, the Symbol of Evil slowly began to rise up. It appeared that despite having defeated All Might right before their eyes, the boy had managed to overcome his fear and somehow find his fighting spirit. All For One had hoped the boy would cower in fear and let himself be easy pickings, but it appeared that he would continue going out of his way to make things more complicated.

All For One acted quickly and rushed toward the esper with a straight jab. Shigeo caught the villain's elbow with his right hand, but the impact still created another large shockwave greater than the ones made from the clash between All For One and All Might. The esper grimaced at the effects of the attack. If they kept fighting at full-power here, they'd only end up destroying Kamino Ward and killing any people unfortunate enough to be in the crossfires. He needed to take the battle far away from here, as soon as possible!

From the corner of his eye, he noticed that other heroes had arrived on the scene. Among them was Endeavor, along with the number four hero, Best Jeanist, the number five hero, Edgeshot, and All Might's mentor, Gran Torino. They'd used their impressive speed to make it here faster than the other heroes, but they were horrified at the destruction around them.

"A villain really did this," Edgeshot muttered.

"All of you, stay back!" Then, from the air, the esper yelled out to the heroes. "You can't fight All For One! He's too strong! I'm the only one here who can beat him!"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Endeavor shouted, "We came here to rescue you, not to watch you fight the enemy!"

All For One let out a devious chuckle. Why didn't he put these heroes in their place? Using his new speed Quirk, he flew toward the number two hero at blinding speeds. Endeavor barely even had the time to acknowledge the threat as he saw All For One's hand less than two feet away from him, aimed squarely at his chest. The air cannon fired, but Mob's reflexes allowed him to erect a barrier to protect the flame hero. Unlike the other smaller spherical barriers he'd created, this barrier was ellipsoid and covered a significantly broader area. This protected all of the buildings that happened to be in its path, causing the destructive air pressure to jet hundreds of feet upwards into the air akin to a geyser.

Mob clenched his teeth in anger. Not wanting to risk further destruction, he raised his hand to the sky, sending All For One soaring hundreds of feet into the black sky. "Trust me; I can do this! Just focus on helping my friends and anyone else who could be injured!"

Shigeo's aura burst around him, and he shot up into the sky, the speed at which he flew creating a sonic boom. From the air, All For One decided to make things more interesting for the heroes down on the ground. When he'd fired his air cannon, he avoided harming the Nomu tanks, meaning that all of the Nomu at the warehouse was still fully operational. Since he was going to be occupied fighting Shigeo, he couldn't pay attention to what was going on down there, so he might as well make things more challenging for the heroes.

In the air, the evil mastermind repeated his previous chuckling. "This is more fitting. In the comics, the hero and villain clash in a final battle while all the extras watch from the sidelines, wishing they could join in a fight they could never hope to be in themselves.

"However, don't assume that simply because you ruffled me up means the battle's outcome will change. Your death was sealed when you had the nerve to mock me, the Dark Emperor of Japan. A child like yourself could never hope to match such a supreme being.

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