Chapter 42: The Truth Unveiled: Eraserhead's Atonement

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Ok, Chapter 42 is up! I know it's been four months, and I apologize for all the readers who couldn't enjoy their summer with at least one chapter posted. Thing is, I got a new job, got some new video games, and took a long trip, so my time's been occupied. But hey, at least you got this new chapter before the end of the month, so enjoy!

The country of Japan and the entire world was whipped up into another media frenzy. The revelation of All Might's true form was creating a crippling blow to hero society. The seemingly indestructible Symbol of Peace that had ushered in an era of prosperity had now been revealed to be a broken, aging man who was but a fraction of his former glory. But what was more worrisome, however, was to think that there could be a villain powerful enough to put All Might into such a weakened state. Just what kind of power was emerging in the villain world?

They had no way of knowing that the person who'd put the number one hero in a comatose state was the very person who the world had been parading as All Might's successor. It would undoubtedly come as a shock that not only was that young boy responsible for so much death and chaos, but that he was being shipped away to Tartarus. In the headquarters of the Hero Commission, there were five heroes adamantly protesting this decision made by the heads of the Commission.

"What're you all thinking?" Hawks said, "Where in those heads of yours did you think that locking up Mob in Tartarus of all places was a good idea?" These five heroes had driven to the headquarters as fast as they could in Best Jeanist's car, but could see in the eyes of the Commission heads that talking them down would not be an easy task.

"Watch your tone with us, Hawks," Masa replied.

"But Hawks is right," Best Jeanist, "It seems rash to automatically send Kageyama to the highest security prison in Japan."

""Rash"?" Kamori was baffled by the number four hero's statement. "Do you not understand the seriousness of the situation? More than half of Yavin forest has been destroyed! 53 people are dead! All Might is in the hospital on the verge of death! Because of Kageyama's power!"

The five heroes shifted uncomfortably in their places. They had been brought up to speed on the aftermath of Kageyama's loss of control, and it had absolutely horrified them to learn of the casualties. Not only because of the people that had died, but because they knew how much this would break Kageyama if he ever found this out. They had already experienced his sadness when he'd shared his energy with them, and even now they were all still rattled by it. Imagining that pain multiplied a hundredfold was just... unbearable.

"But he didn't mean to cause any of this," Edgeshot countered, "It was an accident."

"You really think that would matter to the public?" Nakatomi couldn't believe the heroes' lack of foresight towards this incident. "If the world found out that Kageyama was responsible for this, they'd lose all faith in him! They'd see him as a dangerous, uncontrollable villain who would destroy an entire city if he was free to work as a hero!"

"Besides, can any of you five guarantee us this won't happen again?" The Commission President firmly continued Nakatomi's point. "All Might, the Symbol of Peace, is now in the hospital thanks to Kageyama. If he lost control again, at this moment, could any of you tell me that you could stop him? Even assuming Eraserhead could nullify his Quirk, we can't guarantee he could arrive in-time before Kageyama destroys everything around him. So until we have a full understanding of what caused this, we're keeping Kageyama under the tightest security possible. Now leave! We have important matters to discuss. We'll notify you on the matter once we have more information or if we have some questions that require your answers. And under no circumstances are you to reveal the details of this incident to ANYONE, understood?"

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