Chapter 5: The First Steps

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After All Might returned with the things for Shigeo, the rest of the way was rather quiet and uneventful. The young esper spent most of the time sitting outside on the balcony, continuing to think about everyone he'd lost and accepting the pain that it brought him. All Might, being the respectful individual he was, left Shigeo alone to bask in his thoughts. Besides, he still had some work to do: he needed to properly plan out Midoriya's workout schedule for several months, knowing it would take quite some time to whip the quirkless teenager in-shape before he could inherit One for All. He needed to plan out the workout schedule, the times for each exercise, the weights he would need, how much rest he would need, what time he would need to get up every day, practically everything about Midoriya's routine would have to be changed.

When they ate dinner, the setting was rather quiet as well. All Might would ask Shigeo a few questions about his friends and the other people he saw in his head, and the esper gave him brief explanations about them, going into some details about Ritsu's intelligence, physical aptitude, and general superiority in basically everything he tried. He also briefly talked about how he'd come to meet Hanazawa, although he didn't go into many details about the conflict that had occurred between them, and All Might didn't press for those details. Immediately after, the esper decided to organize all his toiletries and clothes in his new room and took a long shower.

The night had passed, and both All Might and Shigeo stayed up for at least an hour, until the next day had arrived. Unlike the previous day, this day would be slightly more eventful. It was 7:30 in the morning: All Might was making himself breakfast and preparing himself to go out. This was the day the hero had told Midoriya they would meet at the Dagoba Municipal Beach Park. It was the day he would begin training Midoriya to wield the unbelievable power of One for All.

The door to Shigeo's room creaked open, and the esper walked out, detecting the aroma of a salty breakfast in the air. "All Might."

"Good morning, Kageyama. Did you sleep alright?"

"More or less."

"Would you like me to make you some eggs?"

"Sure, if it's not a problem."

"Of course not!" The number one hero grabbed two more eggs from the fridge and began cooking breakfast for the young esper. While he was doing this, Shigeo decided to get himself a glass of milk and sat at the kitchen counter while he waited for All Might to finish cooking breakfast. After a few minutes, the number one hero grabbed two plates and utensils to serve the eggs for himself and the esper.

"Thank you very much."

The hero nodded, and the two superpowered humans began to eat their breakfast. The esper grabbed the saltshaker and lightly spread some salt over his eggs. While they were eating, Shigeo recalled something about this day, something he'd told the young teenager two days before.

"Hey All Might, isn't this the day you said you'd meet Izuku at that park?"


"What're you going to do with him?"

"Well, in order to properly wield my quirk, the user's body must be extremely tough and durable, or else the strain of One for All will be too much to bear. I plan on training him to increase his physical strength enough so when the time comes, he'll be able to take my quirk without difficulty."

"Huh, physical training..." The Body Improvement Club was the first thing that came to his mind. Even after training with them for quite some time, his strength was still rather weak in comparison to other people his age.

All Might could see the flash of memories and sadness in his eyes, as if something he said triggered an internal emotional reaction. But what?

"Would you like to come along, Kageyama?" One of the first assumptions he made was that perhaps he wanted to see Midoriya, since he was the only teenager who knew who he was.

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