Chapters 20

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Regina's POV:
My alarm went off and it felt like I was only asleep for an hour. I groaned has I got out of bed. Today was Monday, the first day back to school after Christmas break, and worst day of the week. I get up and get ready.

My birthday is in less than a month, I am finally going to be 18 soon. Which means this little ones due date is coming up too. I can't believe in roughly a month Robin and I are going to have our babygirl here. I never thought this would happen let alone now. But I am excited, I am still a little nervous still about being a mom but I am ready.

Robin and I got approved for an apartment here. We didn't want to leave, none of us did. We also thought it would be a good idea to raise our child here. Somewhere nice and quiet. Once Robin and I are out of high school we are going to look for a house to live in. We didn't want a house right now, knowing we don't have much so we just went with the apartment till after high school.

I got ready for school and walked downstairs to see Henry already eating breakfast.

"Morning," my father said.

"Morning Daddy," I said kissing his cheek before sitting down to eat some fruit.

"Is Robin picking us up today?" Henry asked.

"No not today, he has to leave school early to help his father at the law firm like he promised." I responded. "Where is Mami?" I asked looking at my father.

"She had to be to work early this morning." Papi said.

"Oh ok."

We ate our breakfast, then Henry and I finished getting ready for school. My back was killing me before we could even leave. I came and sat on the couch signing in relief when some of the pain went away.

"You ok Mija?" Papi asked.

"Si Papi. My back is just hurting that's all, I promise."

"Ok let me know if it hurts more later and I will pick you up from school."

"Gracias Papi." I said with a soft smile as he kissed my cheek.

"Henry let's go now I have to get to work" he says from the bottom of the stairs.

"I am coming, hang on, geez!" Hen yelled with attitude.

"Don't yell at me young man or you will be grounded till I say otherwise, with no phone. So you better check that tone of yours before you do." Papi said in he mad voice that no one dares to play around with. When Papi using that sound with you, you better listen because you will be in a lot of trouble.

"Ok, I'm sorry." Hen said softly walking down the stairs.

"That is much better mijo," Papi said. I was trying to hold back my laughter. "Let's go ahora" he said.

We got into the car Henry in the back behind the driver seat and me in the passenger seat. Henry puts his airpods in and so do I and listen to music. The school is about a 30 minute drive from my house. Then I start to think.

My life is so much better now. I couldn't have asked for another. After everything I have been through in my life I am actually happy. Happy I have a fiancé, a little girl on the way, and supportive family and friends. Life could not get any worse, right?

We come to a traffic light and it turns green right before we get there so we continue on driving.

Robins POV:
It is 8:02am which means we are in 1st period, but the thing is Regina isn't here yet. And that worry's me because she is never late, and if she is she would text me. I called her phone but it went straight to voicemail.

"Hey guys, have you heard from Regina yet? Her phone goes to voicemail." I asked.

"Umm no." Emma said. The rest of them shook their heads no. Then we all one by one tried calling her phone but no answer. My phone goes off about five minutes later.

Princess: I'm gonna be late but I'm gonna be there before lunch. I promise. Love ya Robin.

Did I upset Regina? The only times she calls me Robin is when I made her mad, upset or we are in an argument.

The principal walked in. And said a few things the teacher. She looks up at me.

"They want you in the office." She said. I walk to the main office. My parents where holding hands looking down. My mother sees me and gets up and hugs me.

"Ma what happened?" I asked. She look at dad.

"You should sit down pal" My dad said with a hand on my shoulder, so we do.

"Robin, umm... Regina was..."

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