Chapter 8

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Paul's POV:
"Listen to me right now Regina, I don't ever and I mean EVER want to hear those words come out of you mouth again. I don't know where you heard that from but you're prefect. Robin loves you for a billion reasons. But the number one reason he said that he loves you  is because you're sweet. Robin loves you for your personality, not your body, he doesn't care how strong you are, or weak. He loves you because you give him love in return. He loves you because he has a big heart. And he loves you because you're caring." I tell her. "I know you may make mistakes but every single person in this world makes mistakes that makes us human. So I don't want to heard those words. Especially calling yourself worthless, useless and fat. You're the furthest thing from that. And you're not fat you are actually underweight and under-height for your age. Regina we love you. And I never want to hear you say you want to kill yourself again, I here if you need to talk. Got it?"

It broke my heart seeing her like this. I know I may not be her father but she is like a daughter to me. When Robin brought her over for us to meet her for the first time. She was so sweet, shy, kind, and caring. And once she got comfortable with us we seen the goofy, wild, funny, and silly side of her. And it was adorable.

Vivian and I knew that Regina and Robin were meant to be. And seeing her like this shattered my heart as much as getting the phone call about Robin today.

If Robin doesn't make it, that isn't going to stop us from loving Regina. She is still going to be invited to everything because she will always be family too us.

"You just saying that because you're Robins dad" she said in a whisper.

"No I am not. But I am saying it because you are like a daughter to Vivian and I. We have two wild boys. A girl can do us some good especially for Vivian. She has always wanted one. And you gave her that. You also gave me that. I have always dreamt of having a girl to protect from boys. And I am willing to do that for you," I have tears in my eyes as I say that. "I will even protect you from my own son so if he breaks your heart I am going to break him. And I will always be there for you. Ok?" I say pulling her head off of my chest. She nods. "I want to hear your voice."

"Ok," she says in the most softest voice.

I didn't even know I was crying until I felt her tiny hand wipe them away it was adorable how tiny it was. I look at her and she looks so broken. She gives me a soft smile and I do the same. She wipes her eyes and get up placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." She said. Just then Vivian walks out and looks at us.

"Oh my god, what is wrong? What happened?" She asked in a panic.

"Nothing is wrong. We were just having..." I trailed off because I couldn't find the words. Then she cut me off by saying the sweetest thing.

"Father and daughter time" she said look at me with a little smile. She just called me her father. That put a little piece of my heart back together. "Is it ok if I go in?"

"Of course dear I am not going to stop you. And since you too had a little father daughter time." Vivian said looking between Regina and I. She looks back at Regina pointing her finger at her. "You and I need to have a mother daughter time" she said with a smirk.

"Definitely I wouldn't mind have a girls day with just you and I," she said

"Good because you aren't getting out of it, I will get you to go one way or another," they hug and Regina walks into the room. Vivian walks over to me. "What did you tell her?"

"We just had a little talk she was kinda upset about going in there and I just had to comfort her that's all" I say

"Ok, why don't we go talk to the doctor about everything?" I agree and we go to talk to Robins doctor.

Regina's POV:
I walk into the room. Robin it laying there, pale. I walk over to him putting my hand on top of his, squeezing it a little.

"I miss you bubba. I know it hasn't even been 3 hours yet but I already miss you." I say trying to hold back the tear that threaten at the surface I take a deep breath. "Your father..." I couldn't even start before crying. "He called me his daughter." I choked out. "He had to talk to me because I said something he didn't like which I know where you get your heartfelt words from now." I didn't know what to feel. So many things happened and I am scared to be in this world without Robin. We still have senior year of high school to go through.

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