Chapter 11

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Regina's POV:
After getting back to the hospital the cops were there to talk to me. I was nervous because I hate talking to cops they just scare me.

"Thank you for your time Miss. Mills," the female officers said shaking my hand.

"You're welcome." I said shaking the males hand.

"We hope your boyfriend wakes up and is healthy and ok." The male officer said.

"Thank you." I said. They said there goodbyes to Vivian and Paul and my parents when all of a sudden I felt the urge to vomit again.

I ran to the nearest bathroom not even noticing Vivian and Paul and my parents right behind me. I made it to a toilet just in time before throwing up everything I ate an hour ago. This sucks! The next thing I feel is a hand on my back rubbing small circles while holding my hair back. After I was done puking, Vivian handed me a wet paper towel.

"Thank you," I mumble.

"What is wrong?" My mother asked.

"She has been worked up with Robin being in the hospital." Vivian said.

"No, no that's not it. There is something I need to tell you. All of you. And I better do it now or I don't know when I will." I say holding back the tears that threatened to show.

"Ok why don't we all go back to the waiting room and you can tell us huh?" My mother said I just nodded my head. We all walk back to the waiting room and sit down.

"What is going on Mija?" My father said.

"I don't know how to say it but I am going to. And I understand if you guys get mad but Emma and Ruby both said I should tell you 4 it even if I didn't want to" I said on the verge of tears.

"Regina you're scaring us. What is wrong?" Paul said.

"I'm pregnant," I whisper tears streaming down my face now.

"What?" Vivian and my mother said.

"I know I know. And I am sorry." I say trying to catch my breath.

"Hey, hey, you're ok we aren't mad babe. Breath. Please" my father said.

We sit there till I finally can get my breathing under control. After what felt like forever I was finally breathing right with a few tears still running down my face. I look at my parents then at Robins parents.

"Regina we aren't mad." My father said.

"But we are only 17. And we haven't even started out Senior year of high school. We barely even finished Junior year." I say with more tears.

"Sweetie. You and Robin are good kids, no doubt about that. You both have good grades, and good attendance. And I don't see why you two won't be good parents." Vivian said.

"So you guys are ok with this?" I ask a little hesitant.

"Yes we are ok with this and plus now we can think about the baby that is growing inside of you. And not just think about Robin." Paul said.

"Yes. My first grandchild. I am hoping for a boy." My mother said with a smile.

"I am hoping for a girl. We need one and plus if it's a girl she will be the first blood Locksley girl and we need one because we are full of men." Paul said. I laughed a little.

"He isn't wrong. We need a girl." Vivian said.

"Me too I want a granddaughter." My father said.

"Am I the only one that wants a boy?" My mother questioned.

"Yes" we all say at the same time, we laugh as my mother does a small pout.

"You guys are mean." She said. "Anyway, we have to go pick up Henry from a friends house. I will see you soon honey." My mother said.

"Goodbye Mami." I say. My parents said their goodbyes and left.

Paul, Vivian and I walked back to Robins room. It was only 5:30pm, and I am already tired and ready for bed but it is too early.

"You look tired hun," Paul said softly.

"I am. But I can't sleep right now it is too early and I don't want to be up all night," I said.

Roland's POV:
It has been 3 days sense I have seen Robin and my parents won't till me what is going on. Which is stupid because I want to know.

"What are you thinking about Roland?" Henry asked.

"My brother and how my parents won't tell me what is going on," I said.

"If it makes you feel better I don't know anything either"

"I know what is going on."

He pats my back. And we continue to play video games till his parents came to get him. I just want to know if Robin is ok. Is ok right?

Regina's POV:
Days turned into weeks and Robin was still in a coma. It has now been 5 weeks sense everything has happened. Everyone knows that I am pregnant and I am 10 weeks along now. I am showing a little and it is quite adorable as Emma, M&M, and Ruby put it. Me on the other hand I don't think so I can't fit clothes and it is annoying.

"Hey here is some breakfast," Paul said.

"Thank you." I say smiling. Yes I know being pregnant I would be hungry but not this hungry.

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