Chapter 10

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Regina's POV:
I got a text a little while after Vivian had talked to me about everything. It was from David.

D❤️: come to the waiting room please
Me: Why??
D❤️: just do
Me: Ok

I walk to the waiting room and was immediately grabbed into a hug, then I felt more arms around me. We were all in the hug for a good minute before pulling out.

"What are you guys doing here?" I question.

"Do you really think we would let you go through this alone?" Emma said.

"And plus we brought you some cloths because we knew you weren't going to go home anytime soon." M&M said handing me a bag.

"Thank you." I say.

"Anyway we were wondering if we went to Granny's would you eat with us?" D asked.

"Umm... I can try. I haven't really been hungry all day. But Vivian said I have to eat something today."

"Granny's it is." August and Killian say they laugh and I just but on a smile.

I told Vivian and Paul I was going to Granny's to for a little bit. We all walked to Granny's. Which wasn't a really long walk, but I couldn't stop thinking about Robin the entire time. So I was falling a little behind. Emma nudges my shoulder a little.

"He will be ok." She said.

"I know, I am just worried because the cops want to talk to me and I have a pretty good idea of who did this." I tell her. She looks at me.

"Marian? Huh?" She said with no hesitation.

"When she came to talk to Robin. She told me if she couldn't have him no one can." I whispered. How could she have done this?

"Hey, it will all be ok,"

"I don't know about that." I say with tears in my eyes. "Emma if I till you something you promise not to tell anyone." I say I have to tell someone I just can't hold it in.

"Yea. What's up?" We stop walking. And she looks at me.

"I'm pregnant." I whisper with tears in my eyes once again.

"What?" She said. "When did you find out that you were pregnant?"

"This morning. I thought I was just working my self up but I asked the doctor before Vivian and Paul woke up. She said I am 5 weeks pregnant." I start crying. "What am I going to do Em? Robin is in a coma and I'm only 17 . I can't raise a child on my own if Robin doesn't make it."

"Hey Robin is going to make it ok? And even if he doesn't make it, which he will. You aren't going to raise this child own. He or she is going to have me the best auntie it could have." That made me laugh a little.

"We should probably go in before they thing something happened."

"You're probably right Gina. Let's go so you can feed that baby of yours too. Speak of which you need to start eating more if you want the baby to live."

"I know, I know. And I will promise."

We walk into Granny's and they already have a seat waiting for us. We walk over and sit down.

"What took you too so long?" August asked

"Nothing. We were just talking about Robin that's all." I say looking at Emma giving her the 'don't tell anyone' look. She gave me a smile saying ok.

"Any change with him?" David asked.

"No, not yet." I said sadly.

"Ok why don't we get food and eat?" Killian said changing the subject.

"Fires and a hamburger sound really good right now" I say and they all look at me.

"What?" They all say in shock besides Emma.

"What? I can't change my eating habits?" I say.

"It's just. You never eat like that." M&M says.

"Well I am trying something new."

"Ok" she says still in a little shock which was kinda funny. We order food and eat surprisingly I ate all of it and held it down, because when Vivian brought me food I just throw it up.

"I should really get back to the hospital. I don't want to be away from Robin long knowing he is still in a coma." I say softly.

"Ok we will walk you back." David said and they all agreed.

"I will come with my shift is over anyway" Ruby says. We nod and head out.

As we walked Emma grabs my arm and pulls be back a little. Ruby sees and comes to us.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"You need to tell Vivian and Paul and your parents." Emma said.

"I can't, not yet at least." I said

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because that would put Vivian and Paul in a weird position. They already have to worry about Robin I don't need them worried about me" I said kinda yelled.

"What are you two talking about?" Ruby asked. I kinda forgot she was here to be honest.

"I'm pregnant,"

"Oh well. I agree with Emma, it will give the Locksley's something to look forward too." She said.

"How? If I tell them they are just going to worry about me. And then say something considering Robin and I are only 17." I said.

"Regina, you're pregnant with their first grandchild. This is exciting. It will give them to think about something else than Robin being in a coma." Ruby said.

"I agree with Rubs on this," Emma states.

"Fine fine I will tell them after I talk to the cops." I said. They nod their heads and then we walk catching up with the rest of the group.

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