Chapter 17

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*credits for the baby name goes to BlueFluffyDragon

Regina's POV:
Robin and I have been talking about baby names for our little girl. We have neared it down to three names but we can't figure which one. We have Emilia Margret Locksley, Berkley Harper Locksley or Rose Harper Locksley.

"Hen! Roland come here really fast." I yell. Henry and I were at Robins house while both our parents were out doing god only knows what.

"Yea." Henry said coming into Robins room.

"We need help with baby names," I say.

"And you want our help?" Roland asked curiosity.

"Yes. We narrowed it down to three and we need help picking one." Robin said.

"Ok what are the names?" Roland asked as him and Henry sit down on the end of the bed.

"We have Emilia Margret Locksley, Berkley Harper Locksley," I say

"Or Rose Harper Locksley," Robin said.

"Umm... I think Rose Harper Locksley. It continues with the R name," Henry said.

"I agree with Henry and it has a nice flow." Roland added.

"I think we have our daughters name," Robin said looking at me. I smile and kiss him.

"Eww no. No kissing allowed while we are around. I don't need my niece seeing things." Henry said making Robin and I burst into laughter.

"Your niece isn't even born," I say. He comes over to me putting his hand on my stomach.

"I am sorry for the pain your parents are going to put you through when you are born. I promise I will be the cool uncle and kidnap you when needed." He said to my stomach making Robin and I laugh again.

"I agree with Henry." Roland said moving closer to us.

"She isn't going to get hurt," Robin said.

"Her eyes might with you two kissing all the time," Roland said. Just then out parents walked in.

"Boys go back to Rolands room please." Paul says. The boys don't argue and do what they are told.

"What is wrong?" Robin asked.

"Umm... Marian is getting set free. While Graham is get time for attempted murder." My mom said.

"What?" I whisper with tears in the corner of my eyes waiting to spill out.

"Apparently Graham said Marian had nothing to do with it, that he had everything to do with it" my mom said.

"Why would he do that?" Robin asked.

"I wish I had an answer both I don't," my mother said.

"We are sorry but we will try everything ok?" Vivian said. I didn't even know a tear fell till Robins hand was in my cheek.

"It is ok," he said.

"Why don't we talk about baby names?" Paul said. We nod our heads and head downstairs with Roland and Henry right behind us.

"Ok do you guys guys have a baby name yet?" My mother asked.

"Yes we do actually," I say. Our moms squealed.

"Calm down woman," Paul tells Vivian.

"Who are you talking too?" Vivian asked.

"Dad you're in trouble," Both Robin and Roland said at the same time. We all burst into laughter.

"I need an answer mister," Vivian said pointing her finger at him getting out of her sit.

"No one," he quickly said causing us to laugh even more.

"Thought so," she said sitting back down in her sit. The rest of us still laughing. After about a minute or two we finally calmed down.

"What is up with you men and feisty women?" My dad asked.

"I am not feisty," I quickly said. They all look at me funny. "What? I am not." I say.

"And if I were to say 'calm down woman'? You would be ok with it?" Robin asked.

"You would get popped upside the head." I state matter-of-factly.

"Exactly my point. Thank you Robin." My father said. I was left speechless when did my dad and boyfriend start working together?

"I think we left her speechless. There is always a first for something." Robin said.

"Yea. I am confused on when my dad and boyfriend started working together." I said crossing my arms with a smirk.

"Like I said there is a first for everything," He said.

"We are waiting for the baby name," my mom said.

"Oh right. We went with Rose," I said with a smile.

"Rose Harper Locksley is the name of our babygirl," Robin said putting his hand on my stomach.

"That is an adorable name. Gosh this child is going to get spoiled," Vivian said.

"That she is. The first blood Locksley girl." Paul said.

"No doubt about that. The next thing you know she will be 16 with Tesla driving around." I said.

"With no boyfriend." Robin states.

"She isn't allowed to have a boyfriend?" I questioned.

"Nope. Not till I am dead, then she can have one," he said making me chuckle.

"Daddy was the same till he found out I was dating a Locksley." I said looking at him.

"That is true." My father said.

"Just a little over two more months till she is here." I say putting my hand on top of Robins.

"You two ready?" Henry asked.

"No," I say looking up at Robin. "But we can do it."

"I think we can handle it." He said kissing me.

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