Chapter 12

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Regina's POV:
It was another week but for some reason today felt different. I just felt like something good was going to happen today but I didn't know what.

I woke up and instantly ran to the bathroom and throw up. After a minute I felt a hand on my back rubbing it and another grabbing my hair out of my face. After another minute I was down and sitting on the ground.

"You feel better?" Vivian asked.

"Yes I think so. This sucks." I said with a frown.

"It will be worth it in the end trust me" she chuckled.

"This doesn't get easier?" I questioned.

"Sadly not really, the throwing up will go away but then there will be other problems."

"I am already tired and I am not even 3 months pregnant yet." I say.

"I know sweetie. Come one let's get you and this peanut fed." She said

We walk out but when we get to Robins room Paul was outside. We looked at each other then walked faster over to Paul.

"What is going on?" My breath picking up.

"He is waking up!" He exclaimed.

Tears came down my face. He is going to be ok. Robin is going to live and he is going to be able to be a father. I couldn't feel happier, he is going to live. I felt arms around me, I look up to see both Vivian and Paul's arms around me. The doctor came out and we all look at him.

"He is going to be ok." The doctor said.

"He is going to be alright?" I questioned.

"We don't see any reason why he wouldn't be already. We ran a few test and they came back fine. But we do want him to stay here till we know he is 100% ok to go out on his own and be ok." He said.

"Thank you so much doc." Paul said.

"You're welcome" he said then walking away.

"You guys go in and talk to him first," I said.

"You sure?" Paul asked.

"Yea I want to be alone when I tell him he is going to be a father. And I would just like to talk to him alone." I state.

"That is understandable. We will tell you when we are done." Vivian said. They walk in and I sit on the floor against the wall staring at Robins hospital room door.

Robin's POV:
Doctors say I have been alders for 6 weeks. Which means I probably missed a lot. I miss hanging out with friends and cuddling up with my girlfriend. God how much I missed that. The door opened pulling me out of my thoughts. It was my parents.

"Hey kiddo how you feeling?" My dad asked.

"My stomach feels sore." I say with a chuckle.

"Doc said it is going to feel sore." He said.

I look at my mom and she looks like she is going to cry. I mean I could tell she has been crying.

"Ma I am ok. I promise." I said. She comes over to me and hugs me.

"I am just so happy you're ok." She said with tears.

"I know me too."

We talk for maybe 10 minutes, but I can't help but thing where Regina is. I really just wanna see her right now, not to be rude to my parents but I miss my girlfriend. I want to hold her, kiss her, and just talk till the end of days.

"Where is Regina? I want to see her."

"We will go get her." They walk out.

After about a minute or 2, which felt like forever. My beautiful girlfriend walked in with one of my hoodies on, it was adorable because the hoodie came down to a little lower the the middle of her thighs. She had tear stains on her cheeks. She looked at me with her hands to her mouth like a child. I could tell she was going to cry again.

"C'mere baby." I say with my arms out.

She rushed over to me and into my arms laying her head on my chest grabbing my hospital clothing and sobbed.

"I-I thought I l-lost you f-forever." She sobbed. It hurt me to see her like this. My heart broke.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said kissing the top of her head.

"Bubba?" She said after she was done crying.

"Yes princess?" I say. She gets up and grabs my hand.

"We are having a baby." She whispers placing my hand on her stomach, just then realizing she had a little bump.

I was going to be a father. I was going to have a little boy or girl in a few months. I just look up at her with tears in my eyes and a smile plastered on my face. This is the best news I could over ask for.

"You're happy about this?" She asked.

"Of course I am happy about this. I get to have a child with the woman I love. I wouldn't have it another way or with any other person. C'mere babygirl." I pulled her into my arms, rubbing her back. "I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend to have a child with. Or a better woman to be the mother of my child." I say.

"But we are only 17 bubba. Are we ready?"

"Yes, we may be 17 but I don't think she has anything to do with it. And honestly I am a little scared about being a father right now but we get to raise it together."

She smiled up at me. I love seeing that smile on her face. It makes my day even brighter than it already was. Seeing her so happy makes me happy.

"I love you bubba."

"I love you too princess."

*The rest of the chapters will not have pictures. Sorry*

Love is Powerful Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora