chapter 10

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An hour later, Natasha came into the room she shared with Sam, to find him with two notebooks full of plans and calculations. A few failed attempts were crumpled up and scattered across the room. He also had his laptop open, doing research on different mechanical components, and where to get them.

"Did you send him our contact info?" she asked as she went to the desk to set her laptop up for her secrete guilty pleasure, known only to her roommate, online gaming. She knew the answer, and not just because they didn't contact her, for someone with such an amazing memory, he tends to be very forgetful.

"Oh yeah..." the boy mumbled awkwardly, proving Natasha right, "give me a minute."

"No, now, or, you'll forget again," sometimes she felt more like his mom than his friend.

Sam got out his phone and sent a text to the brown-haired man, sharing the contacts for everyone in the group. Then, as an afterthought, texted who it was. "Done," he announced. deciding that he was done working for the day, the boy switched browser windows to the manga that he and Rebecca were reading.


Ulrich's phone went off while they were watching a monster movie that Odd insisted that they watched, despite the blond texting throughout the entire thing. When questioned, an hour ago, he just said that it was something important.

"Guess who finally decided to text back," the brown-haired man smirked, as he looked at his phone.

"Good, I was starting to worry that he'd forget and Einstein would have to fake another XANA attack!" Odd half-joked.

"I'm putting their contact info in our group chat," he told them while doing just that. Soon all of their phones went off, and everyone added everyone's contacts, as Ulrich sent the boy all of their contact info.

Yumi took the liberty of setting up a group chat for both generations of Lyoko Warriors. Odd was the first to add to it.

"Hello, new Lyoko warriors! This is Odd! One of the OG Lyoko warriors!" he texted.




Yeah, I know this chapter was short I just found this to be the best way to break it up, next chapter will be a chatroom fic.

Dispite the length I hope you still enjoyed, and will click the like star!!

Please tell me what you thought of this chapter/story!

Constructive criticism is welcome.

(You no idea how much joy I get from someone liking/commenting on my work.)




I thought this was Over...(Code Lyoko)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang