chapter 16: Attack in Italy

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 The group, excluding Diana who was with her other friends, was in the cafeteria eating dinner when all of their phones went off at the same time. Ruby was the quickest reaching for their phone, and she nearly dropped it when she read the text. "Uh, guys I think we have a problem," she told the group as they all looked at their phones, none of them were happy from the text they got from Odd: "SOS XANA" Natasha took out her tablet to run the super scan program. "He is correct, there's an activated tower in the ice sector. Ruby sent a quick text to the remaining warrior, telling her that this was real.

"What are we waiting for?" Sam asked standing up, quickly taking his tray to the trash. The others following in suit. He was excited that it was the ice sector, which was his favorite of the four sectors.


Diana was joking with her friends when her phone buzzed she didn't look at it right away, but she did when her other friend group all suddenly get up, after she got another text. She knew that this was a call to Lyoko. She didn't like it; she didn't want to cause any more tension between the small group of girls she was with.

"Are you ok?" her friend Chloe asked, noticing her internal conflict, "it doesn't have to deal with them, does it?" she was referring to her other friends, "you've ditched us last minute like two times this week for them."

"Um well..." she was getting nervous. She hated when they talked about her other friend group. She knows that they don't particularly like them. She doesn't like having to leave them, she likes hanging out with them, but this is more important. "I have to go to the bathroom!" she blurted out before running after her fellow warriors.

"I wonder what she sees in those losers?" she heard one of her other friends ask as she was leaving the cafeteria. She felt her stomach drop at the word "losers." she knows they're different and all except one of them could be considered a social outcast but they were her friends. She tried not to dwell on it, but it still hurt.


She had caught up to the others by the time they reached the factory.

"Glad you could make it," Natasha's voice had a slightly bitter undertone.

"Of course, I'm here, I'm a Lyoko Warrior!" she put on a large smile, that didn't fully reach her eyes. Sam's face was completely unreadable, as he tried to come up with a response. He opted to remain silent. At this point, the elevator reached the computer's floor and Natasha got out as the rest of them went down a floor. Diana, Damian, and Ruby got into the scanners. The couple waited as the girl above them started the virtualization process. Freeing up the scanners for Sam and Rebecca.

They went in and soon found themselves, a male archer and a female ninja falling down to an icy floor to join a ribbon dancer, a stereotypical red-clad fighter and boy clad in an elaborate blue printed get up.

The tower's to the south. They started running in that direction. "Three hornets are coming from the west!" Natasha's disembodied voice informed them.

"Fuck I hate those!" Ruby exclaimed, as she looked down at her weapon, fighting bars that attached to her forearms, she could send out a directed shockwave of force from them if she wanted to but, she's still getting the hang of aiming them, she was very effective in close cornered combat though. Smiling Sam grabbed his bow and an arrow, cocking it into place waiting for the monsters.

He didn't have to wait long, he knocked one out of Lyoko with ease, but not before it shot an arrow, grazing his shoulder. His arrows never miss. He could always calculate all of the necessary angles in a split second. Damian through his boomerang, devirtualizing the other two. In that time one shot twice, one hitting Rebecca, she did not possess the extreme speed of the ninja that was her Lyoko avatar, the other missed. Diana jumped out of the way of the last hornet's laser. Once that was done the group continued to run towards the tower.

"You know this would be a lot easier if we had vehicles!" Ruby called over.

"Yeah, we're working on that!" Sam deadpanned.

"I've seen the two of them code it there's a lot of stuff that they need to work out!" Rebecca chimed in.


At the factory


A phone call popped up on the supercomputer. It was Odd. Natasha answered the call, he was the one that announced the XANA attack, so he was probably in trouble. "Hey little Einstein, how are things on your end?"

"What did you call me?" Natasha was taken aback by the nickname but wasted no time thinking about it. Lives could be at stake, "never mind, everyone's on Lyoko and XANA just gave us a wall of Blocks to fight, will we need to do a return to the past?"

"I'm not sure?" how was he not sure whether things were dangerous or not, and if they weren't, why did he call? Again, she wasted no time pondering it.

"Not sure!? Whatever, I'll call you when we deactivate the tower, if you don't respond, I'm launching a return to the past," with that ended the call what's going on over in Italy is of no importance, she needed to get her group to the tower as quickly and safely as possible.

"Four blocks are ahead of you, you should see them any second!" she called down to those on Lyoko.


Back on Lyoko


"Now we're talking!" exclaimed Ruby. Blocks were her favorite foe.

She sprinted towards them. Diana following closely behind, Rebecca followed. She was not as keen on running towards danger as the other two. The distance fighters hung back, leaving those with melee weapons to take care of them.

As Ruby approached the first block, she was hit in the side. She continued onto the nearest one, dodging that one's first beam, but got hit by its next. She then slammed the point on her arm weapon into its weak point removing it from Lyoko. She then went to do the same with the next.

Diana whipped out her ribbon and started twirling it behind her, as she approached a block, she moved so it was spinning in front of her, slicing through the enemy, just as it shot a laser that she couldn't block.

Rebecca pulled out her swords and made quick work of the foe in front of her. Ruby took care of the last one.

"You guys need to be more careful! You're losing life points! Especially you Ruby," Natasha chastised.

"I'd like to see you down here with us and not get hit!" Ruby called back with just a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Ha ha, very funny Ruby, now you're almost at the tower!"

XANA didn't send them any more monsters, and Dominic was able to get in the activated tower and activate "Code Lyoko," changing its color from the virus's red to the safe neutral blue.


At the factory


As soon as he entered the tower, the genius called Odd.

"Hello, little Einstein!" He greeted.

"It sounds like you don't need a return to the past."

 "Nope we're good!" he hung up before she could ask who the "we" included. She let out a sigh and devertualized the warriors. She looked at the time, it was past curfew, they'd have to sneak back into the dorms, again. Natasha was terrified of Jim catching them sneaking back into their rooms, but there was nothing they could do about that. XANA didn't care about that sort of thing.

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