chapter 6: Virtualization

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In this chapter, I will be switching back and forth from Lyoko to the factory.




Odd and Aelita's digital forms appeared mid-air in a virtual forest, just like fifteen years ago, they managed to land gracefully, on the digital ground. Yumi and Ulrich digitizing and landing in the same manner. Excluding the Warriors, there were only trees as far as the eyes could see.

"What no welcoming committee?" Odd joked immediately after landing.

With the lack of a monster, the warriors had time to think.

"Well some things never change," Ulrich stated as he looked around the forest sector noting no notable differences from how it looked when he battled XANA as a tween.

"Speaking of not changing our Lyoko forms haven't aged much either," Yumi pointed out, "do you know why that is?"

"Um, well, I actually have a theory on that, we'll talk later I'm sending you your vehicles now, the tower is south of you."




"-The tower is south of you," Jeremie lifted his fingers from the keyboard after entering the proper code."

"You. can. program. Vehicles!" exclaimed, "Sam! come over here and watch what he types in case he shows something else!!"

"Nah," Sam lackadaisically respond from across the room, "If I get the code from him, then we won't get to figure it out ourselves," he pointed out. His roommate couldn't quite come up with a valid rebuttal, she opened and closed her mouth several times, proving that she was trying to come up with one.

The man in the chair had stopped paying attention to the children's' conversation to focus on his team in Lyoko. That was fine because everyone but Natasha was ignoring him.

"Ooh ooh, When you make them think you can customize them! Ooh! And let me design them!" Diana was getting really excited about the possibilities.

"Wouldn't have it any other way. And now that we know we can mod Lyoko we're gonna have fun," the transboy grinned. All of the teens were getting excited about all of the possibilities, "but I think my project takes some priority."




Vihacals materialized in front of the warriors.

Aelita virtualized her wings, as the rest of the warriors went to their respective ride. "Oh Overboard, how I've missed you so," Odd announced as he began to ride it.

"No kidding," Ulrich replied, mounting his Overbike.

"Boys and their toys," Yumi stated with a shrug, earning a small giggle from the other female in Lyoko. But she couldn't deny that it did feel good to get back on the Overwing.

They started heading south as Jeremie's disembodied voice filled the air. "You've got company, ten monsters heading your way from the east."

"Then what are we waiting for let's fight some monsters!" exclaimed Ulrich as he drew his swords. as he turned south to find an army of ten small krankerlots approaching.

"Of all the monsters we could come across it had to be krankerlots!" Yumi cursed.

"Come on Yumi, these things are a joke to beat!" Odd replied aiming his arm "Lazer arrow!" He shouted as a small arrow launched from his wrist hitting a krankerlots right in the XANA symbol. Then the remaining little guys started firing their lasers at the warriors; who scrambled dogging the red beams. "Still got it!" exclaimed Odd.

Yumi jumped to avoid one of the said beams and while doing a flip threw her fans one hit and destroyed one, but her other fan hit only air. Ulrich ran up turning left and right dodging the lasers, he pushed momentarily as a laser hit him in the left shoulder but he continued on words yelling triplicate splitting himself into three attacking and destroying three of them with his swords.

Aelita attacked them from the sky with her energy blasts, taking out two of them.

Once those were taken care of the warriors sped right to the tower, with no other adversary.

"Your up princess," Odd told her. Even though all of them could deactivate a tower, it seemed fitting that Aelita should take this one.

With that she landed and walked up to its base, facing though to the other side and walking up to the console, if her digital body could get goosebumps she would be covered in them, as she deactivated the tower.




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