Chapter 19: Portable Supercomputer

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I'm not gonna a lie, I'm not a super genius, but I sort of know how networking works. So I'm kinda BSing my way through the supercomputer workings.



The excitement soared once everyone had sat down at the table for breakfast. Last night the programmers sent out a text to the group. They said that they had big news regarding two things. As to what they were, they would not reveal until they were all together at breakfast.

"So, what are the two things?" Diana's voice was as chipper as ever. She seemed to be happier ever since she left those other girls. "You really gave us no hints as to what either is, just that it could be a game changer," she quoted the text at the end.

"We're pretty sure that we can work the supercomputer remotely, in case of a situation where neither of us can get to the factory," Natasha smirked, and the other Sam hasn't told me yet," he smiled excitedly, with a hint of nervousness that he was trying to hide.

"I'll just start slow. There are a lot of variables in so we're not one hundred percent sure, we need to test it sending complex commands while wirelessly connected to the supercomputer. Even for me and I've specialized in wireless connections the computer..." the other genius trailed off. Realizing that the only person who would understand would be the person who worked on it with him.

"We were able to look at most of the information that gets displayed and we managed to virtualize a vehicle, or at least we think we did, it's hard to be sure when no one's on Lyoko to verify," he cut to the chase. And was greeted mostly with excitement, but there was some hesitation from Damian and Rebecca, the more cautious and or creative warriors.

"We know it can fail so we'll do it in the safest way possible," he started, lessening some worry. "But now I need to tell you the other thing," he looked nervously at his friends, "I've got something I need to ask you guys. I'm changing my name, Sam's too close to my dead name I want something different. I want to be called Artemis."

"Where'd you come up with that name, not saying that there's anything wrong with it but why?" Ruby questioned.

"A few reasons, in Greek mythology she was the goddess of the hunt and was known to use a bow and arrows like I do in Lyoko. Even though she was a girl in the myths it's more of a boy's name. I also admire the intellect of Artimus fowl in the books," Artemis looked around at his friends for their responses.

"Artemis, Artemis, Artemis," Rebecca echoed. "I will now only call you Artemis," her voice was full of determination as she grabbed his hand and placed a kiss on it. Even though the whole group knew they were dating, she still didn't feel comfortable with public displays of affection, so this was a big deal, but not something to point out or she'd get really embarrassed and kind of shut down.

"That name sounds cool, I'll use it, Artemis," Ruby smiled. Damian nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! we're your friends of course I'll use your name, silly," the cheerful response came from Diana.

"It's who you are so, I'll use it, is this what's been keeping you up the past few nights?"

He nodded as tears of joy started forming in the eyes of the newly named boy. He wiped them away before they could form. Not wanting to get too emotional. "What will the adults think though," Rebbeca mused, shattering his moment of bliss.

He took a deep breath, before answering. "I'll tell 'em later, it's not like they don't know I'm trans," he sighed, then changed the topic to the other advancement. "So, for the Lyoko part after school Natasha will stay on school grounds and connect to Lyoko while the rest of us go to the factory, there I'll vertulize someone and Natasha will vertulize their vehicle, to make sure it went through right, if it did, she'll send down someone. So, who wants to go we need two people, one to go the normal way and if things go well, remotely."

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