Chapter 4: Introductions

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There was some grumbling and confusion from some of the kids, ok one of them, but soon all eleven of them complied and were sitting down in a circle,

"We probably should tell you about us and why we're here," Yumi started, "we found this computer seventeen years ago, and were finally able to shut it down fifteen years ago."

"Yup Were the OG Lyoko Warriors!" exclaimed Odd, "but you do need to turn it off XANA can get really dangerous!"

"What's it to you? it only targets us, plus we kinda can't do that," the fisty one said defensively.

"Let's back up a little, let's go around and share names, then we can get into that" suggested the pinkete, "my name is Aelita, and the man in the cair is my husband, Jeremie."

"Name's Odd."

"I'm Ulrich."

"Yumi," now that all the original Warriors were introduced was time for the teens.

"Name's Ruby," the fisty athletic gamer girl piped up, "I still don't know what to make of all of you!" she judgmentally pointed at all the unfamiliar figures. she had long blond hair swept back into a ponytail. She sported a light blue sports tracksuit.

"Ruby, calm down! They didn't do anything! And I don't think that they will!" the social butterfly reprimanded the blond warrior, "Anyways, let's get back on track! Hi, I'm Diana!" she happy announced the shortest of the bunch with long brown hair that fell loosely down her back. She was dressed stylishly in a long purple shirt with a belt over black leggings.

"Damion," the large boy simply said his name as his introduction, he had a sticking resemblance to Diana. He was casually dressed in a blue t-shirt and jeans.

"Heh, I guess I'll go next," the overexcited bookworm, spoke as she adjusted her glasses. She had long jet black hair held off her face by a purple headband.

Next were the two who were in the campus woods.

"I'm Rebecca, and this is my boyfriend, Sam," spoke the feminism, she wore all black and had shoulder-length light brown hair. Sam had his arm loosely draped over her shoulders, his hair was cut short in a gender-neutral faction, and wore sweat pants, a graphic t-shirt, and an unzipped hoodie, looking rather uncoverable.

"Ok, now that we all know each other, let get down to the business of how you all got involved in this and why did you turn on the supercomputer and you haven't it turned off, despite my warning," the nerdy blond spoke. This made Natashia shift nervously. And sam's gaze fell to the floor.

"Well, it was me and Sam, we came down here to explore, he wanted to get a look at the machinery," Rebecca began to explain.

"A lot of the small parts were stripped," Sam spoke for the first time, now that he started to speak, his girlfriend let him take over, "was that you're doing?" his gaze shifted the man in the chair.

"Well, ah yes, that was why I first came here," he responded.

He nodded slightly to acknowledge his response before continuing. "So when we found after a quick look around we came back to the elevator, and by then I needed to see if I could open it, which I could. It wasn't hard to find the pattern if you look at the way the keys were worn along with which keys themselves were worn," he spoke as if doing that was as easy as tying your shoes. "So we came down here found the computer, which looked super cool, I wanted to play with it but Becca, thought that I should share it with my roommate Natasha and we shou- "

"Whoa hold on a sec! Since when did the school have coed disarming!?" exclaimed Odd.

"I'm transgender, my parents can't know so the school doesn't know efficacy either, I also didn't even know until a few months after the school year started, so I dorm with the girls," his words were spoken very casually as if this was something that happens all the time. He continued the story before the adults could form proper questions. "So, we dragged her here and we turned on the computer, we saw your message and the codes you gave us and the two of us saw this as the start of an amazingly fun game in coding. The next part's yours, Natasha," he invited his friend to share the next part.

"Well neither Sam, Rebecca nor myself wanted to test out the virtualization process, I was tutoring Ruby and ...Gigi..." her voice trailed off a little and the mood of the room became a little somber, the adults could all tell that was where something went wrong. "Well they're both the risk takers so I asked if they wanted to be guinea pigs, and they agreed. The virtualization went well, they had some fun in Lyoko for a bit then when I went to devirtualize, Gigi... I may have made a... typo..." she hung her head in shame; when she didn't continue, Diana decided to take over.

"What happened was that her body got devitalized but she was in a coma, and we hope her mind is still in Lyoko, or somewhere in between," now the original warriors knew why they can't turn off the computer.

Ulrich broke the brief silence that last statement created by asking how Diana and Damian got involved.

Diana answered for both of them, " well, Rebbecca's my roommate, the first XANA attack happened I was in my room and so was Rebecca and Sam, and Sam got a text and told Rebecca that it was real and they needed to go to Lyoko, I thought that was a video game but then Sam ran, I've never seen him move fast like ever," that caused a sheepish expression to cross the boy's face, "so of course my curiosity got the better of me" a sheepish expression appeared on the boy's face. She answered the next question before it could be asked. "My brother got involved because even though they told me not to tell anyone, I felt that I needed to tell him, even though I have lots of people I hang out with Damian was really my only real friend."




I know I just dropped a lot of character description on you all at once, I just wanted to give you a good idea of what the new warriors look like.

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Once again sorry...


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I thought this was Over...(Code Lyoko)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora