chapter 5

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I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a good title for this one...........

"Hey I just realized something, how are they able to deactivate towers?" Yumi pointed out.

"Yea! Einstein, how can they do that? They don't have Aelita like we did before XANA messed with our DNA," Odd questioned further.

"That was in the second video" Sam sounded board. "There was a second video?" Ulrich asked.

"We made a video to go off when someone gets to the supercomputer after a tower was activated," Aelita responded.

"I thought it would be more fitting to make another, pointing things of that nature. As for the problem of deactivating the tower, Aelita and myself came up with a way to infuse Lyoko code into the first person to enter Lyoko after the first tower was activated. they would gain the ability to deactivate towers, along with the ability to manipulate Lyoko in the same way that Aelita can," Jeremie explained.

"Ok, then who's your princess?" the blond joked. He was greeted by confused stares from the teens

"When we found Lyoko, I was the only one who could deactivate towers," Aelita began, "I didn't have any attacks at first, and even later my attacks were not as strong as the others, so because I needed to be protected on the way to the tower, Odd started calling me princess, and the name sort of stuck," she explained.

"Well, guys I guess you can call me princess!" Damion laughed at the irony of how one of the physically toughest in the group can be the 'princess. The rest of the group started laughing as well

"Bro, I'm totally calling you that from now on," Daina teased.

"Same!" responded Ruby in between laughs.

Once everyone calmed down, Natasha voiced her own question, one that was in the back of the minds of all of the teens, "How did you find this and why didn't you turn it off when it got dangerous, I'm guessing that there was no message left for you but you must have realized that this was dangerous?"

The adults started to explain, Natisha intervened exasperatedly "OK so let me get this straight you didn't turn off the crazy dangerous supercomputer because you wanted to bring what could have been an AI to life! And you all let him!"

"I guess it does sound reckless if you put it that way..." Jeremie mumbled.

"Woh -woh-" Sam forced his way into the conversation, "can we skip that and focus on how he accomplished every weebs dream of bringing their virtual wifu dash husbando to life!"

"Wifu?" Jeremie, like most of the people in the room, had never heard the term.

"It's weeb for a female anime character that you're in love with, it's husbando for a guy," Sam paused, "but it can be broadened to any fictitious character, and at that point as far as you knew Aelita could just be very well written IA." with that he laughed. Making the original Lyoko warriors very uncoverable. And the pink-haired woman looked ashamed and guilty for being the cause.

Lucky for them XANA was on their side at that moment it activated a tower, sending off alarms on the supercomputer.

"Mind id we do this one?" Yumi requested, "for old time's sake."Everyone agreed and the OG warriors, sans Jeremie, climbed down to the scanner room. the remaining one started typing, Natasha was quickly standing directly over his shoulder watching his every keystroke.

"Scanner Odd, Scanner Aelita. Transfer Odd, Transfer Aelita. Virtualization." He pressed a key, waited a moment for the next group to enter the scanner. "Scanner Ulrich, scanner Yumi. Transfer Ulrich, Transfer Yumi. Virtualization!"




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