chapter 9: What do you Think(part II)

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sorry for being dead, school stuff had kept me from writing.


"Know what, those kids were on to something going back for dinner, we should grab some grub too," Odd announced as the new warriors left the room.

"So I see you're still thinking with your stomach," Ulrich chuckled, everyone but Odd joined in.

"Hey, what can I say I like to eat!" despite his attitude towards food, he was still as scrawny as he was in middle school.

"Oh Odd, some things just never change," Aelita smiled.

"Pizza good with everyone?" Ulrich asked, before ordering a few pies as they left the factory


"What does everyone think about these kids," Yumi asked once the group settled in at her house with their food.

"They don't seem to know what there doing, I mean the girl who seems to be the primary programmer didn't even know that you can make modifications on Lyoko."

"Cut them some slack Jeremie, not everyone can be a super genius, plus it took you a while to make things for us" Yumi replied. He opened his mouth started to speak but had to stop as he could not come up with a valid response. This caused the group, to laughed at his expense.

"Aelita, you seem to trust that Sam kid a lot," Ulrich brought up once the laughter died down.

"Enough to give him your credit card," Jeremie added he did not sound very pleased about that.

"Jeremie, he seemed to know what he was talking about, and imagine how much easier everything would have been if you could do everything you needed the supercomputer for from your laptop," she pointed out.

He let out a sigh, "you're right, but we still should have talked about it first."

"I'll be sure to do that next time, we encounter a broke tech genius that is trying to fight XANA," she teased, he got flustered as the group laughed at his expense once again.

"I think he's cool and really strong, a few years ago I had a trans boyfriend," Odd started.

"Wait! you like guys?" Ulrich asked in shock, voicing the question on everyone's mind.

"I didn't know that he was a boy when we started dating, hell! He didn't even know that he was a boy. What was I supposed to do? Dump him? He was still the same person! And it was actually one of the best relationships I ever had, he really got me, and so what if I'm a little bi! There's nothing wrong with that!" Odd got a little bit defensive at the end. "Any way where still friends I'm sure that he'd be willing to help Sam out a bit, you know, make his life a little easier. That may have been part of the reason his parents kicked him out, that's what happened to Jack," his voice grew solum and serious, "he showed me that it's really hard to be trans. The social pressure was hard as an adult, I can't even imagine how hard it would be in middle school..." he paused before changing the subject, " hey, Ulrich, did you get there numbers yet?"

"I don't think so," he took out his phone to check, "yeah, no text."

"I think that they'll make great warriors, and they seem to have the excuses covered, Rebbeca had a good excuse for Diana immediately," Yumi commented remembering how many times they had to cut class to fight XANA. They can only use the infirmary lie so many times.

"I don't like that she has another friend group," Ulrich voiced, "even with all of the excuses in the world she might not always be able to escape and get to Lyoko."

"Well you can't just tell her to ditch them, let her at least try to have her social life, and if it becomes a choice, I'm sure that she'll pick Lyoko," Yumi replied confidently.

"XANA won't give her the option," Jeremie pointed out.

A look of dread crossed Ulrich's face as he came to a realization, "since we were just in Lyoko, we'll be on XANA's hit list again."




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