38. Shocker

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A what!

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A what!

Nobodies POV

"What the hell Damon." Lucius snarls, clutching tightly at Damon's wrist.

Damon glares and rips his arm from Lucius's grip. "What are you doing here." Damon ask

"I'm here because your future wife wants to enroll for the remaining semester." Lucius says "what!" Damon breaths

"Yes, but that isn't important, why the hell did I hear about you associating yourself with Gryffindors." Lucius says

"It was nothing father, just something to amuse myself with." Damon says "whatever it is, I want it to end. Don't destroy your reputation before you even make one." Lucius says

"Fine, it's over." Damon sneers

"Good now come with me, Akasha wants to speak with you." Lucius says, gripping his arm.


Fred and George were behind a pillar, watching the interaction, sadly unable to hear a word they said.

"Do you think Lucius found out about the bet and forced Damon to break it off." Fred whispers to George.

George shrugs but he looked worried for the dark Malfoy.


Akasha only seemed to have grown even more beautiful as the years went by.

If Damon weren't completely in love with the twins, he would've been breathless at the sight of her.

"Damon." Akasha purrs, her accent washing over him. "Akasha, beautiful as ever." Damon says

Akasha smirks. "Walk with me." Akasha says, holding out her hand.


Akasha and Damon were walking through the courtyard, Akasha was clutching to his arm.

"I have many plans for us after our wedding, and of course I will be moving into your room, so I will be redecorating. And I will have to add a second bed for Adio of course." Akasha says

"Wait who's Adio." Damon ask

"Our son." Akasha says

Damon freezes turning to his fiancé. "What." Damon breaths

"My father didn't want to tell you until you turned 19, we were so young and he didn't want to stop you from your studies. So we kept Adio a secret, and my father is telling your father as we speak." Akasha says

Damon really needed to sit down.


Damon didn't know how to process what he had just heard....he had a son. A bloody son.

Damon clears his throat. "When will I meet him." Damon ask "so your not going to run." Akasha ask, her head tilting.

Damon was sadly considering it. He wasn't ready to be a father....he wasn't father material.

Oh Salazar, he's going to be a horrible father! He's going to ruin his own kid like how his father did with him.

"Akasha....this is a lot, you should've told me. I could've processed all of this sooner, we're getting married." Damon says

"I know but you are a man now, you've matured into this gorgeous man....our son needs a father. And we are getting married." Akasha says

Think about Draco...think about this wide eyed kid, his kid.

"I....want to meet him Akasha." Damon says


Lucius had a wide smile. It looked off on his face. "You brilliant bastard." Lucius says

Damon doesn't look up, staring at the picture Akasha had given him. It was of his son. His four year old son.

"For once you've actually did something right, Mr. Lestant wants you to marry his daughter right after you graduate." Lucius says

"How is this good! I have a son who I didn't get to watch grow up!" Damon yells

Lucius slaps Damon across the face, he looked furious. "Don't you dare screw this up!" Lucius yells

Damon glares at the floor. He stayed silent.


Ja'Siah Young as Adio Malfoy
The hidden son

Alisha Wainwright as Akasha LestatHis sire and future wife

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Alisha Wainwright as Akasha Lestat
His sire and future wife

Alisha Wainwright as Akasha LestatHis sire and future wife

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Me, Myself and I • (Fred W., George W.) • Harry Potter Era • Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang