3. Saint

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Nobodies POV

Fred couldn't look Damon in the eye the next day. If he did he would stare at his lips and flush as he remembers the dream.

And it was almost like Damon knew. That infuriating smirk he sent his way, only worsened his embarrassment.


Damon was amused. Fred avoided him like the plague, always red when he was in the same room as him.

It was hilarious.


"Freddie, what is going on with you." George ask "it's nothing, I just had a bad dream." Fred says

"What was it about." George ask, confused. "No one important." Fred says

George's eyes widen in realization. "You had a bloody sex dream!" George whispers yells

Fred flushes. "Ssshh. Don't say it out loud, it's embarrassing." Fred says "who was it about." George ask

Fred clears his throat and he glances at Damon. George gapes at him. "No bloody way! Damon!" George whispers

"Shut up!" Fred practically yells

"Freddie, we have a bet with the guy, if you fall for him, you lose." George says "it was just a sex dream, I'm not magically in love with him." Fred says with an eye roll.


"You have a diary." Ginny ask "two points to the snoop, give me that." Damon says, with a smile.

But in reality his heart was pounding. It was really personal and he has no idea how she got it.

But Damon casted about a thousand spells on it, so it will give the snooper a hard time reading it.

"Who has a diary." George ask, walking into the living room. "Damon." Ginny says with a smile.

Damon chuckles with an eye roll. "Stefan practically forced me to own one." Damon says "doesn't mean you have to write in it." Fred points out

Damon rolls his eyes. "Whatever." Damon says "let me read it." George ask

Damon scoffs, holding the book close. "Yeah right." Damon says, pocketing the book.

The twins narrow their eyes at the Malfoy. They will find a way to get that diary.


"Damon dear, I need a little help. My fence is falling apart and I've asked Arthur to fix it but he doesn't have the time." Molly ask

"Of course Molly. Where are your tools." Damon says, the teen was surprisingly handy, he had caused so much damage to the manor that Lucius as punishment, forced Damon to fix up his messes.

"Why don't you ask us....your kids." Ron ask "you lot are bloody useless when it comes to repairing. Damon has helped build benches back at the charity." Molly says

Damon send Ron a smirk, making him roll his eyes.


"Sadly the boys won't be able to make it. Their work has them busy." Molly says, she was sad that she couldn't pair them up with Damon.

She'll just have to wait and see.

"It's fine Molly." Damon says with a smile.

He was now dressed into a flannel and loose fitted jeans, he was going out to fix the fence and Molly offered him some clothes he'll be able to dirty.

Fred and George were a little mad that Damon was able to make their fathers clothes look good.



Damon puts down the box of tools and he pulls out a hammer, examining the tool with a small hum.

He grabs a nail and gently straightens the wood plank, hitting the nail into the wood. He smirks. Vampirism did come in handy.


George was forced to was the dishes when he spots Damon in the backyard, his muscles flexing as he fixes the fence.

George watches for a while, unknowingly letting the water run

Suddenly he feels the water and he looks down, cursing as it floods the sink. He quickly turns off the faucet and drains the sink.

"Bloody hell." George curses


Damon wipes the sweat from his brow. The sun was beating down at him. He was finally done with the fence and he was proud of his work.

Damon collects the tools and walks back to the burrow.

Molly greets him with water, thanking him profusely. Damon chuckles. "It wasn't a big deal Molly." Damon says

"Your a saint." Molly praises

He really isn't.

Me, Myself and I • (Fred W., George W.) • Harry Potter Era • Book 2Where stories live. Discover now