11. Mikaelson Clan

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"Calm him down

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"Calm him down."

Nobodies POV

The Hogwarts Express rushes past the moors of Scotland on its way to Hogwarts. Soon it is night again.


Damon, Stefan, Klaus, and Kai exit the Hogwarts Express and move quickly though the crowd of students to the carriages that would take them to the castle.

"This is our last year guys." Stefan says, breathing in the night air.

Damon turns to his best friend and he nods. "It is, I have to admit, I'm going to really miss this place." Damon says

"The best years of my life." Kai says



"I am Kai Parker." Kai introduces

Damon looks at the hand and he smiles brightly, already making new friends. This Damon was less damaged by the world.

He was excited for Hogwarts, excited to get away from his father.

"I'm Damon Malfoy." A twelve year old Damon says "it's a pleasure Malfoy, I believe we will become great friends." Kai says

Damon gives him a toothy smile.


"I'm Klaus Mikaelson....I've heard about you from my parents." Klaus says "I've heard about you too." Damon says

Klaus smiles. "Why don't we cause some trouble then, because I've heard that you have a knack for that." Klaus says

"I would love that." Damon says


13 year old Damon.

"Come on Day, catch up." Stefan yells

Damon laughs as he runs after his best friend. His hair flowing freely behind him, the wind blowing harshly at his already rosy cheeks.

Damon was never allow to run so freely back at the Manor, he was meant to act like the proper boy.


14 year old Damon.

"What in the bloody hell is this!" Lucius snarls

Damon stands tall. His hair was chopped off, his nail painted black, his thin arms covered by leather.

He did not look like a Malfoy. Lucius was furious. "How dare you disrespect me in such a way!" Lucius snarls

"Lucius, he's just a boy." Narcissa whispers

Draco was seated on the floor, staring widely at his brother, he was only ten years old. And he was scared.

Me, Myself and I • (Fred W., George W.) • Harry Potter Era • Book 2Where stories live. Discover now