6. Murder!!!!!

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Nobodies POV

Breakfast was tense. Stefan and Damon were completely ignoring each other. The others were eating awkwardly.

Narcissia clears her throat. "Darling, didn't you have something to do today." Narcissia ask

Damon looks up. "Right....Stefan, will you join. The others can come if they want." Damon says

Damon may have overreacted last night but, killing never came easy to Damon, it may seem like it did but it wasn't.



Damon was silent as he stood before Voldemort. "Before you can get your Dark mark, you must prove your loyalty." Voldemort says

Damon nods.

When he first saw the Sark lord, his heart dropped. Fear had entered his system and froze him in his spot.

He may be a vampire but it didn't mean he stood a chance against Voldemort. And all he could do was become a servant to him.

He needed to survive.

"Bring the girl in." Voldemort demands "Rose." Damon breaths

Rose Clearwater. A vampire. She was 50 years old and was an old friend of his. She was the one who helped him adjust to vampirism.

Rose looked terrible, she was a shaken sweaty mess. Damon spots a werewolf bite and his eyes widen.

Werewolf toxin is deadly to vampires. "I want you to kill her." Voldemort says

Damon's heart drops. "What." Damon breaths "I want to see her dead corpses in a hour, if she isn't dead by then, I'll have you killed." Voldemort says

His orders were clear. Voldemort leaves with his followers.

Rose stumbles into Damon's arms. "It's been a while old friend." Rose rasp

Damon looks heartbroken. "Come on let's take you somewhere comfortable." Damon says with a shaky breath.


Damon sits on his bed with Rose and he takes her into his arms.

"Oh god! Make it stop, make it stop! I can't take it anymore, make it stop!" Rose yells, the hallucinations were horrible to witness.

As she settles down, she rests against Damon.

Damon knew he had to kill her, if not by Voldemort's orders but to put her out of her misery.

"Who would have thought you'd be a nice guy?" Rose ask "I'm not nice. I'm mean. I like it." Damon says "You're lying." Rose says "Shhh, just sleep. Just sleep." Damon says


In her dream, Rose has long hair and is in a dress. She's walking in a paddock with horses. She runs and sits down next to Damon.

"This was my favorite place to come as a girl. How did you know?" Rose ask "Word gets around. You told me one night, I think you were sleep talking." Damon says

Rose giggles. Damon smirks. "Am I dreaming?" Rose ask

Damon shrugs his shoulders. She closes her eyes and breath.

"The sun is so warm. I miss this. I miss being human." Rose says "Humanity is not all it's cracked up to be." Damon says "I had friends, I had a family, I mattered." Rose says "You still do." Damon says

"No but you do. You built a life whether you want to admit it or not. I spent 50 years just existing." Rose says "You didn't have a choice, you were running from werewolves." Damon says

"There's always a choice." Rose says "You know, you're ruining a perfect day with your strange philosophical babbling." Damon says

She embraces him.

"I'd like to enjoy the fresh air. Would you enjoy it with me?" Rose ask "For a while." Damon says

He holds her in his arms. They hold hands and interlock fingers.

"Thank you." Rose says "For what?" Damon ask "The pain's gone." Rose says "I'm glad." Damon says

"Will I see them again? My family?" Rose ask "I think you'll see whoever you want to see." Damon says "That would be nice. Maybe I'll see Trevor too. I'm not afraid anymore." Rose says


In reality, Damon lets go of Rose's hand and pulls out a stake. He points it to her heart. He's crying.


Back in the dream. Rose gets up.

"I'll race you to the trees." Rose says "Well, you'll lose." Damon says "I'm older and faster." Rose says "Oh, you think?" Damon ask

He gets up.

"Well, I'm controlling this dream. Maybe I'll cheat." Damon says "On the count of three. One, two..." Rose counts


Damon drives the stake through her heart. He silently cries. Rose was dead.

Flashback ends.


Damon was a shaky mess as he left his room. Narcissia broke down at the sight of her bloody son.

She took him in her arms and hugged him right, despite his struggling.

"I killed her mommy." Damon had sobbed.


"Come on guys. It will be worth it." Damon says "are we just going to ignore what happened last night." Stefan ask, mad.

"I know it's a little to soon, but killing isn't easy, okay. I lashed out. Trust me, murder changes you." Damon says

"Damon, what is going on with you, since when do you kill." Klaus ask "I didn't have choice....but your not going to end up like me, I'll make sure of that." Damon says

"Where are we going exactly." Caroline ask

The girls were a little scared of Damon, he killed someone right in front of them. And he practically screamed at Elena, saying he wasn't going to change.

Me, Myself and I • (Fred W., George W.) • Harry Potter Era • Book 2Where stories live. Discover now