4. Going Home

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"I need to get dressed

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"I need to get dressed."

Nobodies POV

"Do you have to go." Ginny ask, she really enjoyed the older teens company. "Sorry Strawberry but my father owled me. I have to go home." Damon says

Ginny pouts.

Damon then turns to the twins, smirking. "Don't miss me to much." Damon teases them.

Fred and George roll their eyes. Despite the annoyance of Damon Malfoy. They will miss the teasing.

Damon turns to Ron. He sends him a smirk. "Despite the constant insults, I like you kid." Damon says

Ron turns his nose, but he hides a smile.

His last goodbye is to Molly. "Thank you so much for hosting me, it was lovely seeing you again." Damon says

Molly smiles and she brings the teen into a hug. Damon freezes, not expecting the sudden show of affection.

Narcissia may love Damon, but it was rare when she hugged him. Damon was never hugged by a motherly figure.

Damon smiles and he returns the hug.


Malfoy Manor.

Damon stares dully as house elves take his bags. He walks forward, silently thanking them.

He hears loud footsteps and he looks up. Lucius Malfoy was making his way over. Dread fills his gut.

Lucius looked furious.

"I've just heard and why the hell were you at the Weasleys." Lucius ask

"You don't get to say anything to me father! I've dealt with your bloody bullshit for years! You don't get to control this, you don't get to control who I am with or why, you already fucked me of a future! I've been a good little boy all my life! Yes I don't believe the same shit as you do and I actually treat people with respect but I have not once betrayed this family! And now you've fucked us even more! Your damn lucky I love my brother and mother or I would've killed you myself! And your sure as hell lucky I kept my mouth shut!" Damon snarls

Lucius eyes darken and he slaps him. "Watch your mouth. You are my son! And if you want to continue to live under my roof then you will follow my rules!" Lucius sneers

Damon glares. But he keeps his mouth shut. It's all he can do. The outburst was new and he didn't completely


Four weeks later. August 10. Malfoy Manor.

"Happy birthday Damon!" Elena yells, bursting into Damon's room with the others following.

Damon startles, practically flying out of his bed. "Bloody hell!" Damon yells

The group laughs.

The others have party hats. Caroline was holding a cake, which was written with frosting, saying happy birthday.

Damon stands, smiling, amused. "You guys are a-holes. I almost had a bloody heart attack." Damon says

"Oh come on pal, it's not everyday you turn 19!" Stefan exclaims, hugging his best friend.

Damon chuckles, patting his back. "Thanks guys, this means a lot, but you guys shouldn't of come." Damon says

"Why, we always come over on your birthday." Bonnie says

"Damon." Narcissa says sharply, she stood right outside the door. She looked worried.

"I think it's best you leave." Damon says "come on Damon, we wanted to celebrate your birthday." Kai says

"I have to side with Damon on this one, you should leave." Narcissa says "what's wrong." Klaus ask, worried.

"Ahhh guest." A sinister voice says

Everyone freezes.

Damon feels his heart drop when he notices the look of realization on his friends faces. "I'm so sorry." Damon whispers

Damon stands up straight and he schools his face. "I apologize my lord but my friends only came to wish me happy birthday." Damon says, his voice posh and very unlike himself.

"Birthdays! I love birthdays, this calls for dinner, your friends are clearly invited. And you must introduce me." Voldemort ask

"Of course my lord." Damon says

Voldemort had a pleased face and he leaves, his snake following after him.

"What the hell Damon." Stefan says harshly, his heart pounding. "Please don't tell me that was the dark lord." Elena ask, shaking.

"I wish I can say your friends can leave but that will only anger Lord Voldemort, I will set up rooms for your friends, they must dress for dinner." Narcissa says

She leaves, closing the door to give the group some privacy.

"What the fuck! What the FUCK!" Caroline practically screams

"I have to get dressed, you guys should to, all you need to do is have dinner and you can leave." Damon says

Damon turns and walks towards his closet. "Are you really not about to address who we just met." Elena ask

"Not really." Damon snarks

Me, Myself and I • (Fred W., George W.) • Harry Potter Era • Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें