The Lost Heirs : 11

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First day of school

Eya's pov

After a few days I just stayed happy. I was happy that I had them, they always cared, and loved me. Especially my brothers. I might have them. And also, they had a special princess.

I woke up early, and I do my routine. Todas is my First at new school. New school. New students. New mean girls.

I went down to eat lobster. I saw my mom and dad eating while my brothers were watching. I great them in a morning and sit.

"Morning Mom, Dad. Kuyas!" I promised and took a dish and bread. I've always been crazy from the start. I only eat rice at noon.

"Boys, stop that, you're still late!" Mommy disobeyed my older brothers. They are watching live football. "It's here!" they promised at the same time.

When we finished eating, we also left. Kuya didn't last long. Just take a bite of rice. They accompanied me and of course I got off with them.

'Who is she? '

' New transferre? Thank you as always! '

' She beautiful but, she can't reach my beauty. '

' Feeling good, isn't it! ' As always. I told you. I'm always used to that.

I saw my brothers looking at me.

I just looked at them and left. Where's Clarice by the way? Where is that witch!

" Beeesssss!! over here?! " Then I saw her. Sitting beside the window. It looks like he reserved the seat for me. What a sweet friend!

"That's why I can't find you, you're here in the classroom." I said and fixed my bag. " Gosh! As for Bes, aren't you used to it?"

"Maybe not, I'm not used to being greedy." I said and laughed a little! "Ah, that's it, I hate you again!"

"This is not a joke HAHAHA." I said laughing. Sometimes my friend will pick it up. Haha. I sat down.

When I noticed my classmates looking at me.

' How on earth?! Dianna is her friend. Not her! '

' Who is she? She's feeling close to Clars. '

' Tsk! What a loser. ' Those are just some of the whispers. And she knows why I'm being whispered about.

It's because of my dress. This is what I'm wearing!

 This is what I'm wearing!

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I'm wearing all black, and you can see my curvaceous body. Especially my skin!

They were just whispering to me that a woman had come in. She is beautiful and looks smart!

" What the fuck is happening here?! " this annoyed my classmates? One of the mean girls? Let's see! "That's because of the transferre! Feeling close to Clarice!"

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