Chapter 7

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Yibo entered the shop only to see Zhan by the counter, looking a little lost in his thoughts, he decided to bring back his attention. " Hello Zhan ! " Zhan startled and  immediately looks up at the costumer, she smiled as she greeted." Welcome to Moon bakes Sir, what can I....... " His voice became faint as Yibo came close to him, it was Yibo, he was internally happy that he had come to his shop, but externally he couldn't show it as he remembered the words said by the Doctor in the morning.

" Welcome Mr. Wang, what can I get you? " he smiled as he greeted again, this time formally.  Yibo smiled again as he walked towards him. " Oh please, call me Yibo " while Zhan caught a tear in his eyes, as he put a fake smile in his face. "Okay " Yibo smiled as he looked around the shop.

" Cool shop you have, I... Own Restaurant as well, I don't even remember it though " Yibo started as he sat opposite to the counter " Oh! Why is that ? " Zhan acted like he didn't know anything about him. " The thing is, I'm.... I'm.... I'm really not comfortable to talk about it yet, I hope you understand " Yibo spoke back as he had no idea how to explain Zhan about his memory loss all all the other incident. Zhan smiled and nodded.

While Yibo smiled at him and he looked at the menu.  " What's the special ?  " Zhan smiled answering him back  " um...... Our molten cakes and puff cream cakes " he said pointing to the cakes in display.  Yibo smiled as he saw him.  I loved the cupcakes you bought us " , " You ate it? " Zhan asked him curiously. 

" Yeah and have to say the taste was like I've tasted it before like it was stuck in my mouth and memory "  Yibo smiled answering him, Zhan smiled back because he had remembered how much Yibo loved eating the pastry that he baked. " Maybe you had it before but somehow it slipped your mind " Zhan said as he sat back in the chair. " Maybe " Yibo said sitting opposite to him.

" So what can I get you ? " asked Zhan still not sure why Yibo had visited him, " Actually I want to ... " started Yibo as Zhan scooted closer because of the curiosity " I want to learn to bake " said Yibo smiling at Zhan, while Zhan laughed " You wanna learn to bake Mr. Chef ? " Zhan joked as he knew Yibo was a chef himself, but in the past Yibo wasn't interested to bake, because he always thought it was too feminine.  

" What's there to laugh ? Do you think I'm not capable to learn ? " Yibo asked curously " No No ~ It's not that, don't you have to run your restaurant ? How would you find time ? " said Zhan arranging some chocolate cakes on a plate for Yibo. " Well that's true, but right now I'm no break and moreover even if I start working, I'll be free by 8 " Yibo wasn't planning to back off from his plans to learn baking from Zhan.

Zhan smiled pushing the plate towards Yibo " You want me to teach you after 8 ? " Yibo nodded his head, Zhan thought for a moment, though he was happy that he gets to spend time with Yibo all over again but at the same time he was afraid if he would be getting his headaches again and result in fainting off. " I don't know... I don't think I can teach anyone right now, I'm kind of busy with other stuff in my life " Zhan sighed as his heart wasn't with the decision he had taken, either way he had to be strong.

" Please ~ I'll even help you here in the shop " Yibo pleaded as he wasn't ready to take no for an answer. But Zhan wasn't that easy too " I'll think about it just give me some time, for now you can enjoy the chocolate cake that I baked " smiled Zhan pushing the plate towards Yibo again. Yibo smiled as he was satisfied with the answer he had got from Zhan, he looked down at the plate and sniffed the cake " It smells so good " Zhan smiled at Yibo's comment.

Timeless Love [ YiZhan FF ] ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat