Chapter 13

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Before the door was being opened Yibo adjusted his hair and that exact moment Zhan had opened the door, it was as though the time had stopped for both of them while Zhan and Yibo looked each other straight in the eyes, tears rolled down Yibo's face, while Zhan stood frozen. Noticing the coffee cups in his hand, Zhan had nothing else but a happy smile on his face, there was no words said , but felt as though they had exchanged thousand words between them. 

Zhan smiled as he raised his thumb to wipe Yibo's tears, he had no idea why he cried all he knew was Yibo wasn't smiling and he needed to make sure he was smiling once again. Yibo held his hand and looked him in the eyes " I'm sorry, I really don't know why I cried " Yibo smiled as he moved back so that he could wipe his eyes, for a moment Zhan felt as though Yibo's memory came back, but it hasn't so with more pain induced in his heart, he took a tissue from the box and gave it to Yibo to wipe his eyes. Yibo took the tissue and came inside his apartment.

Zhan smiled " It's alright ~ " Yibo sat on the couch while Zhan sat in the chair beside him, he looked at the coffee and looked back at Yibo " What brings you here? And how did you get my address ? " Yibo smiled taking his coffee in his hand " I went to the shop earlier, since you were not there, one of the employee gave me your address " Zhan took his coffee and hummed at Yibo's response " Why were you looking for me ? " 

Yibo shrugged, he himself had no idea why he kept coming back to Zhan, all he knew for sure was he had a peaceful mind when he talked to him " I ... Wanted to start learning again! " Zhan nodded his head, as he did plan to do that today, but he wasn't able to go to his shop due to the earlier appointment with the doctor, honestly it made him quite stressed, but once he saw Yibo, all his worries had been temporary put on hold. 

" Sure! You want to start right now ? " Zhan questioned sipping his coffee, Yibo checked his watch to see the time, it wasn't like he had anything to do, so he decided why not " If you are not busy, we can " Yibo said knowing Zhan would be quite busy " I'm not busy, let's go " Zhan said stretching his hands for Yibo to get up, Yibo smiled holding his hands as Zhan dragged him away to his kitchen.

" Let's begin! " Zhan scrunched his nose making Yibo laugh, Zhan smiled as well taking the apron in his hand. Yibo wore the apron and passed the knot to be tied, Zhan held the knot but since it was short he wasn't able to tie it behind Yibo, he tapped on Yibo's shoulder for him to turn, as he turned Zhan looked Yibo straight in the eyes, for a minute it was as though time had stopped for the two of them as Zhan untangled the stuck knot. Yibo felt as though his heart was racing faster " umm... Let me do it myself " Yibo said as he took the knot in his hand and tied it behind. He cleared his throat as he felt heat creep on his face.

" Wow your house is really warm " Yibo laughed awkwardly fanning his face, Zhan who had a confused the whole time due to Yibo's behavior laughed at him because of him being silly at the moment " It's warm because you are leaning against the exhaust " Zhan pointed to the exhaust above the stove and laughed to which Yibo awkwardly starched his head and turned back to change the topic " Sooo..... What are we learning today ? " he asked looking at the variety of things in front of him on the kitchen counter. Zhan shrugged as he stood beside him, he looked around to see what could be easy to teach for beginners level.

" How about we make Dan Ta? " asked Zhan looking at Yibo while Yibo looked at him confused as he was not sure if he had heard this name before, Zhan smiled as he knew what exactly made Yibo confused " Egg Tarts, Dan Ta is popularly known as Egg Tarts " Yibo nodded his head excitedly " Okay let us ! " he clapped his hands to which Zhan laughed " You know you are behaving like a kid ~ " Zhan smiled as he was taking out the ingredients for the dish from the fridge, Yibo leaned against the counter and laughed " Well I guess I've always been this way ".

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