Chapter 19

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Yibo laughed as well " Come in ~ " he said opening the door wide open for Zhan to get in, Zhan hesitated as he looked up at Yibo " It's alright, I have no one else here other than me and moreover " Yibo took the bag from Zhan and peeked inside it " I think this has enough food for both of us to eat " he said smiling, while Zhan shook his head " Ah~ No, I made the food for you " he said pushing the bag to Yibo. He laughed as he walked inside the house " Oh please, I don't want to eat alone " Yibo said smiling to which Zhan looked at him " Join me ~ " Yibo stood there, with his eyes not breaking contact with Zhan's eyes as Zhan froze in his place. Zhan nodded his head stepping inside Yibo's house, it had been a long time since Zhan was here and the last time he was here, there was a huge fight.

" Don't tell me Yibo ! This is the person you fell for ! A guy ?! You fell for a guy ! " Yibo's mother screamed at Yibo, while he stood in between her and Zhan, he had finally revealed that he liked Zhan, in fact his words were " Mama, you can't stop me from loving Zhan " Yibo's mother was infuriated by this, she was very angry that her words were that of a vicious snake and aimed only at Zhan, trying to hurt him. " Mrs. Mrs. Wang ... I ... " Zhan called her trying to speak with her to clam her down, but she wasn't listening to him " Shut up ! Your gay fever affected him ! You were after the money right ?! How much do you want, I'll give, let my son go ! " she shouted at Zhan. But this time Yibo was angry as well, as he couldn't believe what his step mother was saying.

" Yes ! Yes I've been affected by a fever, a fever of love for Zhan, I can't imagine my life without him, even when I said, Let us hide it and not tell it to my parents, he was the one insisted upon telling you guys, I knew you wouldn't accpet it and I still stand corrected " Yibo held Zhan's hand and before his mother could say anything, Yibo spoke once again " If you have a problem with me loving Zhan, I don't think I want to stay here anymore, don't worry before you get affected by our ' Gay Fever ' I'll move out " Yibo walked dragging Zhan along with him. But before he left the house he turned back once more to look at her " I'm not doing this because I'm afraid of you, I'm doing this because I don't want to hurt the one I love "

Yibo dragged Zhan along with him and closed the door behind, leaving his furious step mom, shouting at them both, Zhan was sad that Yibo had to fight his family members just because of him, Yibo and Zhan both got into the car, as the two decided they would stay over at Zhan's house. Zhan sighed looking outside of the window, he was sad about what had happened as he held himself responsible for it. Yibo looked at Zhan's facial expression, he sighed drawing Zhan's attention to him. Zhan looked at him confused, as Yibo began to speak " I know what you are thinking, so stop thinking about it ! " Yibo said sighing.

Zhan looked at him confused " How do you... " Yibo spoke once again " I know that you are thinking all this happened because of you and that we should go back and apologize " Zhan pouted as Yibo was right at what he was thinking, Yibo sighed once again " Today we will stay at your place and tomorrow we will look for an apartment of our own and today worry about what happened at my house, it's high time they should know who I love and they can't stop me from loving you " Zhan wasn't able to say anything else other than just cry, he was sad but at the same time happy that how could Yibo love him this much, to the extent to fighting with his family. Yibo gently lifted Zhan's hand with his free hand and kissed the top of his hand and smiled at him, while Zhan smiled back as well.

" Zhan ! " Zhan came out of his daze after hearing Yibo call his name, Zhan looked at him confused " Huh ? " Zhan asked in a confused tone, Yibo smiled " I asked would it be alright if I have someone else for dinner right now along with the two of us " Yibo asked, not knowing how Zhan would feel, since he been calling him out for the last five minutes " Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't listening to you, what did you say ? " Zhan said looking at him, Yibo smiled gain " It's alright, I asked, Is it alright if I have someone else along with us for dinner ? " Zhan nodded his head " Sure ~ " he said smiling, Yibo looked at him concerned " Are you okay ? You seem tired " Zhan nodded his head " Of course, I'm good, I was just thinking about something "

Yibo nodded his head " I'll arrange the dishes on the dining table, you can wait here on the couch " Yibo said walking over to kitchen, Zhan nodded as he sat down on the couch taking his phone out as his phone pinged indicating he got a message. Yibo was busy and that's when Zhan heard the front door bell ring, as he looked up for Yibo to answer it he figured he might be busy, so he got up to answer it, but before he could, Yibo himself had come by the door " It's okay, I'll answer it " Zhan nodded sitting back on the couch.

Yibo opened the door with the smile, as he was blocking the entire door way, Zhan couldn't see who was by the door " I'm sorry did I make you wait ? " Yibo asked, Zhan peeked curiously to see who had come " It's alright, I don't mind " Zhan furrowed his eyebrows at the very familiar female voice, Yibo smiled inviting the woman in, as he came in with a smile removing her coat, Zhan stood there with all the colors flew away from his face, the woman looked at Zhan and smirked " Hey Zhan ~ You are here as well ? " she asked, while Zhan tried to speak " Yiefei ? " Yibo looked at both Yeifei, Zhan and smiled " Yeifei is joining us for dinner, hope you don't mind ? " Yibo asked, while Zhan and Yeifei stood there looing at each other without breaking eye contact.


To Be Continued ...

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