Chapter 11

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" I made the appointment with the chef this morning " Yibo came closer to Zhan as he smiled, Zhan widened his eyes as he did so " Is it still valid ? " Yibo smiled. Zhan sighed softly and smiled looking at Yibo " Yes it is ~ " 

Yibo smiled as he was happy " So what is it you wanted to see me for ? " Yibo sat at the chair beside the counter facing Zhan " The thing is I want to restart cooking in my kitchen, technically my restaurant .. " Zhan hummed carefully listening to Yibo while also cleaning the counter top, he knew Yibo hadn't been going back to his restaurant after the accident . Yibo sighed " It's cause, I met with an accident couple of weeks ago, after that I pretty much lost most part of memory ... " the words sure hit Zhan, as Yibo's lost part of memory also contained their love story. Not wanting to show the tears of his face Zhan immediately wiped the tears of his face.

" Since I find you quite comfortable for some reason, I wanted to ask if you would help me with basics of cooking so that I can kick start in my restaurant once again? " Yibo asked while hi eyes gleamed with hopes for Zhan to say yes, Zhan looked at him and smiled it wasn't like he would be able to say no to his love either, in his mind this was the least he could do so that his memories would be back " Sure ~ " a word from Zhan and Yibo immediately sprung to hug him tight.

It had been weeks since last Zhan was getting a hug from Yibo, he once again teared up when Yibo hugged him, while to Yibo the hug was awfully familiar, it was as if he knew the warmth of the body, he knew that the person he was hugging was not different form him, for him it was as if hugging his own self. After what seemed like Ten minutes of hug both the men coughed and separated, while looking everywhere around other than facing each other.

Zhan was the first to talk " So... Can we start tomorrow, I'll bring in some basic tools for you" Zhan suggested, while Yibo smiled as he nodded " Sure~ " Zhan looked around and then back at Yibo " Do you want to eat something ? " Yibo nodded his head, Zhan bend down to get the plate of strawberry cake he had saved for himself an gave it to Yibo, he smiled taking it " Wow this looks beautiful " Zhan smiled at his reply.


The next morning Zhan woke up pretty happy, since the accident the only good that happened was Yibo finding his way back to Zhan, even though they weren't back on their love path, they sure were back in some sort of friendship and for Zhan it really made him happy that he could get to spend some time with Yibo. He found the old beginners cooking tools and decided to take it work along with the old apron which Yibo himself had presented it to Zhan while they were in college. Zhan touched the small bunny face which was sewed on the apron and smiled to himself starting his car.

Back to his college days ...

Zhan was resting his head on the park bench tired after he had been attending his classes from morning till the late evening, the whole day he hadn't had the time to meet Yibo even though they both had taken culinary science, Zhan had switched his major to Food science, since he was into organic cooking as well, Yibo didn't mind it since he supported him no matter. Zhan had unknowingly dozed off on the bench after promising meet Yibo at the bench, Yibo was running late as well since he had stopped by on his way to get some coffee for both of them since the weather was cold.

Yibo stopped running to see his boyfriend sleeping on the bench like a little bunny, he smiled to himself and sat beside Zhan playing with his hair he woke him slightly " Zhan~ " he called him in almost faint voice " Wake up ~ " Zhan blinked his eyes open and sat straight seeing Yibo  " Sorry I had dozed off, have you been waiting for a long time ? "  Yibo shook his head " I just came as well, here ~ " Yibo gave him the coffee he had bought, Zhan smiled taking it from him.

Zhan felt guilty that he had switched his major at the last minute, he felt as though Yibo would be angry or disappointed at him " I'm sorry Yibo~ " Yibo looked at him and smiled " What for ? " Zhan pouted " For switching my major at the last minute ~" he said hanging his head low, Yibo laughed and raised his head up by lifting his chin " I'm not angry, I'll support whatever you do " Yibo said it with a smile making Zhan smiled as well, Yibo pulled Zhan's chin closer to his face and kissed him, it wasn't deep but it sure was passionate. Zhan flinched as they were in public, Yibo cocked his eyebrows up as he held Zhan's hand with his other free hand. 

" I'm dating you and I don't care about anyone else looking at you, neither should you! " he said while drinking his coffee, Zhan smiled as he gripped Yibo's hand tight and leaned his head against his shoulder. That's when Yibo remembered that he had bought something else for Zhan as well " Oh~ I almost forgot " Zhan looked at him curiously " This is for you~ " Zhan took the package from Yibo's hand and undid the pretty bow on top of it " What is this ? " Yibo gestured him to continue opening it, as soon as Zhan opened it, he saw a pink apron with a bunny face sewed on it and he smiled " What is this for ? " Yibo smiled " I don't know, I just wanted to get it for you, it reminded me of you, so I bought it " .

Zhan started to tear up, it wasn't for the fact that Yibo had bought him gift, he started crying since Yibo bought so much happiness with him that it almost made him selfish to never let Yibo go, he wanted him all for himself. Yibo wiped his tears with his thumb and kissed his eyes " I love you ~ " Zhan confessed, while Yibo pecked his lips softly " I love you too ~ " Zhan pulled him for an embrace while Yibo hugged him tight. Even though the weather was pretty cold, the love in their hug managed to keep them warm.

Back to present ...

Zhan was waiting in the hospital lobby, he was supposed to meet Dr. Lee to discuss about Yibo's result that he had given three days ago. Paul who was already inside, called Zhan inside. Taking his bag in, he closed the door behind and sat at the chair opposite to him. Zhan was nervous, the entire hospital atmosphere had always made him nervous, he had lost many people in hospital, starting from his grandmother to his mother. Very single one of them whom he loved deeply had left him, he was afraid that the history would repeat itself. He was afraid that he would loose Yibo, not physically but mentally.

" Is there any changes Dr. Lee ? " asked Paul while he rubbed his hand over Zhan's palm to calm him down, Dr. Lee sighed " Paul, since the last test report came, I noticed that Yibo hasn't been improving much, the door to temporary memory loss is slowly closing and it's as if though either he or someone else doesn't want him to remember his past at all " the words hit Zhan like it were spikes, he was tensed he didn't understand what the doctor was trying to tell him, but all he understood was it was getting more and more difficult for Yibo to remember his past .

" So... Do you think he wont be able to remember at all ? " Zhan asked hoping the doctor proved him wrong, but the doctor nodded his head confirming Zhan's words " I'm afraid Mr. Xiao you have to prepare yourself mentally for that" Paul nodded his head while his hands comforted Zhan. The doctor had left the room, while Zhan sat there staring at the blank wall opposite to him, he didn't know what he could do, he wasn't sure how to face Yibo, he really had no idea what he could do as the only thread of hope he was hanging onto was slipping from his hand. Tears escaped from Zhan's eyes as he knew only one thing and that was he couldn't live without Yibo.


To Be Continued ...

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