Chapter 5

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" I shouldn't have come over here, it's all because of me, his memories have been rushing to him and me staying near him will make the matters worse, I should stop meeting him, every time he sees me he gets blackouts and faints off, I should not meet him till he gets back his memories " Zhan had traumatized from Yibo's blackout, Paul who laid Yibo down in his bed, sat beside Zhan in the couch trying to clam him down.

" Zhan, I think you're being over dramatic, he didn't get those blackouts because of you, It's his head injury to blame for! " Comforted Paul, he decided to drop Zhan home. Zhan was crying, his cheeks now pink and eyes red he brawled his eyes out.

" It's always because of me, he gets hurt because of me, On the day of accident.... " Said Zhan holding Paul's hand.


Back to the day of accident, Thirty minutes before the accident....

" But still I don't think that should be a reason for you to be so close to her "  Zhan said crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks. "Come on babe! " Yibo couldn't turn towards Zhan as he was busy driving, since it was raining he couldn't take his eyes of road even for a second. "I don't care, she's your ex and you shouldn't have allowed her to hang her arms across your neck"  he said, clearly getting annoyed by Yibo's ex.

What actually happened was Yibo and Zhan had gone to their reunion and all their friends were there. Out of everyone the first one to talk to them was Yibo's ex, Zhou YiFie. She immediately pushed Zhan out of the conversation and started to talk with Yibo by draping herself around him. Zhan was pissed cause of this, but YiFie was clearly enjoying this. Zhan stomped out the place angrily and Yibo excused himself out of the place as well, following Zhan. The whole car ride starting from the party was a fight over this issue. 

Back to the car....

" See I don't get why you don't trust me, I love you and it's as clear as that" Said Yibo sharply turning around the corner of the street. Love me enough to push me out of the conversation and talk to Zhou YiFie.... It seemed you wanted more then just some talk with her" Zhan was ragging with anger, it wasn't like he didn't trust Yibo, but all his anger had to do with YiFie the school bully giving him nightmares. " What?! " Clearly Yibo was mad, for a split second his attention turned away from the road towards Zhan, while Zhan didn't look at him and still kept seeing the road ahead.

" Yibo !!! " he noticed a big truck coming their way, since Zhan screamed in horror, Yibo turned towards the road only to see the truck approaching them. He made a quick turn only to skid off the road and their car dashing off the side path to the downside of the small hill road. The car tumbled, it was at that moment Yibo and Zhan realized there was nothing more to. They knew, they were going to die. Yibo held Zhan's hand and slowly whispered " I love you Zhan, only you"

 Zhan smiled through his tears, but before he could say anything due to a large impact he had jumped out of the car and landed sharply on the hillside, while Yibo still tumbled with the car, hitting the bottom of the hillside, as soon the impact happened he had also jumped out of the car, but he was unconscious.


Back to the present.....

That day if I had been in control of my stupid emotions, maybe... Maybe... Maybe we still could have been together and all this couldn't have happened. Paul was surely in a situation not to say or do anything. All he could do was pull him to comfort him. Zhan whimpered in Paul's comfort, Paul patted his head and sighed.


" Did I faint again?! " Yibo had finally woken up and saw Paul sitting in the chair opposite to his bed reading a book, he looked up from his book as he heard his brother speak. " You did! " Paul laughed a little. Yibo slowly got up and sat straight ruffling his hair. His head ached a little and immediately he reached his side table to get the tablets. Paul got up to get him a bottle of water.

" Here.... How are you feeling now? "Paul smiled sitting close to his bed. " Good, just a mild headache gege. " He said getting up from the bed, while Paul pushed him down slightly on his bed. " Don't get up " he said smiling at Yibo. Yibo looked around the room "So...... Did, Zhan leave already? " Paul smiled and sat straight  "Yeah, he did, he helped me to lay you down on the bed since it was getting late he went back to his home "

" Oh! " Yibo said with an absent mind. Paul smiled getting up from the bed " Yibo, I need to leave now, I have heated the food and cleaned the place. So yeah good night  and take care, I'll drop by in the morning " Paul patted Yibo's head and went for the door, that's when Yibo called him "Thank you gege, I don't know what will I do without you"  Yibo smiled and Paul smiled back closing the door behind him.

Paul walked down the stairs towards his car, he stared the car and after a while he stopped it by the corner of the road. He looked at the front mirror and noticed drops of tears on his face and that's when he realized he was crying all along.

Flashback to the past ....

Paul had always been close with his dad, but after the news of his father dying on a plane crash hit him, he was broken. As a child he distanced himself from others, even the kids of his age. A year after his father' s death, Paul's mother had remarried Yibo's dad. Paul who was a 12 year old boy at that time didn't like the fact that someone new was replacing his dad. He would be pretty stubborn and won't talk to anyone, even to Yibo. One day, when Yibo woke up at late night, he was walking to the kitchen to get something to eat, that's when he saw the lights in Paul's room was still On, he pushed the door open slightly to see what was going on and he saw Paul had curled up on the bed holding his dad picture crying looking at it.

Yibo walked inside the room but he was afraid Paul would shout at hi, he climbed on the bed and sat beside him " Paul gege ~ " Yibo called him, but Paul didn't turn back. Yibo shook him slightly but this time Paul looked at him " Paul gege~ I know you miss your baba, I also miss my mama, but you know what gege? Baba said when people die, they watch us over from heaven, so don't worry gege, I'm pretty sure your baba is watching you right now "

Paul sat straight but still crying " How would your baba feel right now if he sees your crying? " Paul immediately wiped his tears " Don't cry gege~ Next time you miss your baba come to me, we will play together" Paul wiped his tears completely and smiled looking at Yibo, he smiled back " Gege~ I promise I'll never leave you and whenever you need me I'll be by your side "

Paul lifted his Pinky " Promise ? " Yibo looked at his finger and smiled " Promise ~ " he held and shook it. Both the boys began to talk and play the entire night and from that day towards their relationship as brothers became deeper.

Back to present.....

Paul smiled in his distant memory of him and Yibo " I promise to bring back your memories as well as happiness " , he started his cars engine again and drove off to his house.


To Be Continued... 

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