Chapter 14

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" Mama! I don't get it why do you have to be so cruel to Zhan?! He is the man that I love !And didn't you say it was OKAY ! for me to love anyone I liked ?! " Yibo fought with his mother as she had insulted Zhan on their college dorm, dragging him off from there, Yibo let her hands go as he stood protectively in front of Zhan, she was clearly very angry, she rolled her eyes seeing Yibo protect Zhan " Anyone as in Rich or Poor ! Not as in woman or man ! " she stated to which Yibo chuckled " Sorry mama! I've made up my mind and even though you can drag me away from him and lock me up I will never forget Zhan, he is the love of my life without whom I can't imagine my life ! " 

Saying this Yibo dragged Zhan to their dorm room, leaving his angry mother outside the dorm fuming in anger, meanwhile Yibo made Zhan sit on the bed ass he saw Zhan was crying, wiping his tears using his thumb Yibo rose his head up to make Zhan face him " What is it ? " he asked in a soft tone, Zhan shook his head " I'm sorry you had to fight with your mother because of me " he said once again at the feeling of his eyes getting moist he felt sad Yibo had to fight his mother because of his choice of love being him.

" It's alright, I know my mom will come around and moreover she needs to know that no one else can make me win their heart if they aren't you " he said kissing his cheeks, to which Zhan smiled " Next time you cry it should be that of joy and not sorrow " said Yibo smiling at Zhan to which Zhan laughed and nodded his head in agreement.

Present ....

" Zhan! " Zhan wiped his tears as he heard someone call his name, he had once again began thinking of Yibo and the past had taken over his mind, he quickly wiped his tears as he smiled hearing his employee call his name " What is it ? " he asked to which she smiled " There's a handsome customer waiting for you " she giggled, Zhan immediately assumed it might be Yibo he got up as he went to the table, even though his heart dropped a bit, he smiled once again " Hey Zhan ~ " Paul waved his head seeing Zhan look at him, Zhan smiled sitting opposite to Paul " What is it Paul-ge? What brings you here ? " Paul laughed " Ah~ This is not how you wait a costumer Mr. Xaio "

Zhan laughed at Paul's joke " Okay fine, Hello sir, welcome to Moon Bakes, what can I get for you today ? " Paul clapped his hands at Zhan being professional, Zhan laughed " What brings you here Paul-ge ? "  Paul smiled " I had some work around here, I thought I'll drop by and try your pastry " Zhan smiled " That's it? I thought your visit had something to do with Yibo... " Zhan looked at Paul curiously, to which Paul smirked " What do you think I'll come here for ? Ask how was your night while my brother was there ? " he grinned nudging Zhan, to which Zhan slapped his arm " What ? " Paul laughed which made Zhan roll his eyes " Your mother still seems to hate me " Zhan said recollecting the incident that happened that morning.

Paul laughed in an awkward way " Ah~ Just.. Just give her some time maybe " Paul knew his mother won't eventually calm down about this, she had always been the same when it came to Zhan and Yibo being in a relationship. " I know you are lying Paul-ge, but here's a cookie for your attempts to cheer me up " Zhan laughed pushing the plate of cookies to Paul, to which he laughed stuffing a cookie in his mouth. 


It has been a week, Yibo and Zhan had began with their cooking classes, Yibo certainly was enjoying a lot cause he was more than just happy being with Zhan, he had this comfort zone with warm feeling around him that made Yibo more happy, it was as though Zhan understood him much better than anyone else while others failed to understand his emotions. On the other hand Zhan was happy spending his time with Yibo, it was almost like the old times.

" Is this you ? " Yibo as usual was in Zhan's house, while Zhan was trying to reach the ingredients in his top shelf, Yibo wen around looking at Zhan's pictures, Zhan looked at him and then looked at the picture nodding his head " Aw ~ You look cute when you were young " Yibo said smiling to which Zhan blushed, Yibo continued to walk around looking at the other pictures. Zhan was still struggling to get the ingredients from the top shelf and that's when his chair slipped making him fall. In a swift movement Yibo ran to hold Zhan before he could fall.

Zhan had closed his eyes in fear but when he finally opened his eyes, he was into Yibo's arms, holding his waist tight, Yibo looked worried, it was as though the time had froze for them one again, Zhan looked at Yibo lovingly while Yibo looked at Zhan to see if he was hurt anywhere," Are you okay? Have you been hurt anywhere ? " Yibo asked looking at Zhan's hands and legs, he immediately moved away from Yibo coughing to clear his throat and smiled " I'm alright " Zhan said picking up the jar of flour that fell on the ground.

While he bend down to pick up the jar, Yibo's eyes had fallen onto the necklace which had now popped out of Zhan's shirt " That ... " Yibo asked pointing to the unique necklace which Zhan wore, Zhan immediately hid it back inside his shirt and smiled  " That's an old one back from my college days " Zhan said going back to his kitchen counter. While Yibo nodded his head, h sat on the couch, with feelings getting heavy inside him, he sighed, he knew he had seen a ring in the necklace that Zhan wore, it was usually a couples thing and to see him wearing it, he felt sad for some unknown reason. He wasn't happy with the idea of Zhan not being single.

He decided to shake it off and get up as he walks over to Zhan leaning against the kitchen counter while prepares the ingredients for them to cook, Yibo knew how silly it was for him to even get sad about it, considering the fact that Zhan was extremely good looking as he looked at Zhan once again staring at him and scanning him from top to bottom, while Zhan had noticed this, he looked at Yibo confused to know what was going on inside Yibo's head " um... What happened ? " Zhan asked in a low tone, almost like he was to worried or afraid to ask Yibo, making a poker face Yibo answered, more like questioned " Are you in love with someone ? "


To Be Continued ...

Timeless Love [ YiZhan FF ] ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin