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Avery had taken time to scope out the place a few days prior. She knew that the front was heavily guarded and secured. Her famous face would never be able to pass without Tony knowing. If she tried to sneak in anywhere else, like a vent or something, again, someone or the system would alert Tony. That was their job. Anytime they saw something the young female Stark wasn't supposed to be doing, it was reported. So Avery came up with a better idea. She would look like she belonged there. This of course was a given as she did belong there, but if she wanted to get into the building without raising suspicion, it would take a lot of courage and confidence. Lucky her, she hung out with Tony too much making it easing to muster up the two emotions. 

"Which door..." She whispered to herself. She closed to eyes trying to remember every in and out. An invisible lightbulb went off at the memory of a back door, where the maintenance came and went on a daily basis. All they needed was a pass and they were in. Avery pulled her hat down farther to conceal her face before tightening her ponytail and making her way to the back. Her feet stopped in front of a large black gate. Behind the gate were multiple agents watching it to make sure no unwanted visitors got into it. People like her. On the side was a little keypad. Tiny, cute, little keypad. Which was screwing up her whole operation. Avery racked her brain for any idea of what the code was but came up with nothing. She walked to the side again, leaning on the wall beside it as Avery pondered her next move. She could try to hack it. But if JARVIS found out, so would dad, and there was no way she was going to try and take that chance. There there's the possibility of trying every possibility. But that was too obvious. Who wouldn't be suspicious of a teenage girl in all black in the middle of the day with a calculator and pen and paper attached to the keypad. Which by the way, a keypad that opened Stark Tower? No way. Avery had to keep thinking. As she thought, she watched the waste management pick up the trash from the buildings down the street. She began to push off the wall, as soon she would need to move as the trucks went into the tower. As the trucks went into the tower...

As the trucks went into the tower! That was it!

All she had to do was sneak into the tower using the trucks. She quickly scanned the vehicles to see no one on the outside who could see her jump on. The truck waited for the gates to open which soon did thanks to the agents on the other side. Avery saw this as her chance. Her legs bolted off the wall and went to the side of the truck. She had to jump before it got through the gate. She was just about to be late when her feet propelled her off the ground. She got on, but she overshot. Her body went straight into the grime and trash bin. She tried her hardest not to gag on the smell or the fact that she was covered in this stuff but stopped herself. Avery ducked under the different things and waited. 

As soon as the truck came to a stop, she poked her head out. The collectors were getting out to get the trash. She took this as her chance and got out. Avery followed one of the men behind to the a trash bin. 

She tried to sneak behind him and take him by surprise when a voice behind her said, "Who are you?" Her brain was scrambled so she said the first thing she could come up with.

"Your worst nightmare." Avery attempted to say darkly. The men were confused which gave her the perfect time to turn and swing her leg up kicking one of the men in the temple. His heavy body ended on the ground. Her focus went to the other guy. He put his hands up as if to fight her.

"Alright little lady let's dan--" She didn't give him time to finish before wrapping her leg around his knee and pulling him down knocking his temple as well. The man landed on the floor just as the other one did. Avery looked at the two of them before bending down and beginning to take off their coveralls. Once she successfully removed one, she shrugged it on. The fabric reeked but it would do. Her eyes looked the unconscious bodies up and down again. Avery made the decision to drag them over beside the bin where no one really would see them. She went to the trucks seating and grabbed some Clorox wipes to wipe down the nasty uniform and her face. Her eyes met with a refreshing spray on the dashboard, and she sprayed it all over her. Her gag reflex made an appearance as she breathed in the state. This was an utter disaster. Nevertheless, it needed to be done. 

Avery stepped off the truck and walked to the main door in the back. She put her hand in her pocket to make sure she had her identification card. The man who was guarding the door scoffed as she came up.

"Are you authorized to be here?" He asked cockily as if he knew she wasn't. Avery nodded, feigning a cute smile. 

"Yes I am, mister!" She chirped back, the guard nodded slowly.

"Right..." He crossed his arms, "Identification?" Avery quickly fished the card out of her trousers and gave it to him. The guard gave one look at it and gaped. His fingers, almost shaking, moved to remove the dark sunglasses covering his awestruck eyes.

"Y-you're Miss S-Stark?" He stumbled out surprised that the daughter of the billionaire was here dressed in a trash collectors clothing. 

"Indeed I am." She answered almost annoyed. Avery snatched her pass from the guards hands and walked passed. The man just stood there dumbstruck. The girl kept a straight and serious face until she walked around a corner. Immediately, Avery broke out her dance moves in celebration of what she just did. But it wasn't over yet. 

Her next move was to attempt to get to the top floor, where the helipad was. She knew that using the main elevator is risky, and her dad or Peter will see her. Avery stood in the hallway for a moment thinking about her next move. The stairs could be used by one of the Avengers or some random personnel who was eager to please Mr. Stark and tell him his daughter is still here. When she heard someone coming, she ducked behind the wall and watched them pass. Turned out, two agents were busy bringing something somewhere.

"You got everything for Mr. Stark? This mission is apparently important." The other one nodded, seeming to be making double checks of everything.

"Yeah, it's all accounted for." He replied while picking up the package and putting it in the small elevator, beginning to walk away. That's when Avery came up with an idea. Once checking to make sure the men had left the hallway, she tip toed over to the mini elevator. Avery pressed the button and nervously tapped her foot. She was about to betray her dad's and her boyfriend's exact orders. But she hated orders, and she hated being weak. Staying behind at all times and letting the men in her life "protect her" made her feel weak. She had a suit herself! in fact, she even used it against Iron Man and basically won! How did that not qualify her to be in the missions. She was done being her dad's little girl and Peter's precious girlfriend. She needed to fight, to stand up for the greater good. Maybe this could show them she is ready for the field. The smaller door opened and she climbed in. There happened to be a few boxes in the corner so she put them in front of her. As the door closed, her nerves got the best of her. Avery started thinking of what would happen should Tony figure out she was there. Would Peter be disappointed? She didn't wang to figure out. The ride didn't give her much time to think as soon enough, elevator stopped and jolted, making her hit her head on the top.

"Shit--" She cursed from the impact. Her hand slapped over her mouth but it was too late. The door opened and two agents were staring right at her. Along with Natasha Romanoff standing behind them.

"Привет, маленький Старк."

A/N: I know it's been a hot minu--

Avery: Oh really? It's been two months!

A/N: Hush. You're mean.

Avery: I'm mean? You just stuck me in a trash bin, what the heck by the way?!

A/N: ....don't be rude.

Avery: Don't make me douse myself in Febreeze

A/N: Well it doesn't get much better...

Avery: I hate you, oh my god.

A/N: Shush. Anyways! I know it has been a while but I actually like this chapter and it's for sure longer than some of the other ones. Enjoy, enjoy, and please comment! I love seeing all of you guys' reactions!!

When the Booth Goes Bright | Tony Stark Daughter x Peter Parker & Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now