Leap of Faith

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A/N: Yeah....this is a filler....it will explain itself....

"Nat quit it," Someone whisper yelled to the woman. Avery heard a thunk then a groan of discomfort, "You can't just hit someone with a phone because they told you to stop," She recognized Clint's voice. 

"What? They look cute," She retorted making Avery begin to stir in Peter's arms. She felt a bunch of eyes on her so she poked Peter in the side.

"Hey, Petey? We've got company," She warned but he just mumbled something like I'm tired and continued to squeeze her into him further and buried her head into his neck. She lightly kissed it before she heard an annoyed sigh. 

"Yeah, no, this is too much in front of me," Tony groaned out, Peter registered the voice and sat up quickly accidentally hitting Avery in the face.

"Mr. Stark! Avery!" He exclaimed, his attention going everywhere as he was extremely tired. he leaned forward to kiss Avery on the forehead where she got hit. Once the couple had their moment Avery faced her dad, who had a raised eyebrow.

"Wanna explain, Stark?" He asked in a frustrated voice. Avery bit her comment about him being a grumpy old man back to not make him more upset. 

"I might have snuck on because I wanted to go on the mission," Avery whispered. Peter whipped his head to look at her while she moved her gaze right down to her lap. Tony threw his hands up and scoffed. The rest of the Avengers slowly backed away and out of the room. Avery decided not to bring Nat into this as she knew Tony would be furious. 

"Avery..." Peter began, she couldn't look at him. She feared if she did, her entire confident persona would collapse. Avery could hear the betrayal in his voice and it sure didn't sound comforting. So instead her eye lingered on her lap before looking up to her father. 

"Look, Dad, I'm sorry! But you can't keep me holed up at the tower all the time," She argued while watching him pace. He stopped and looked at her.

"Avery, my job is to protect you and Pep." He looked her up and down, gesturing to her suit, "I don't know where you got this, but it won't protect you when you have aliens shooting at your face." She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Natasha gave this to me," Avery replied with a snarky tone and smirk. If looks could kill, she'd be six feet under. His eyes widened before he pointed to the direction where everyone left.

"And I'll be talking with her soon. But this? This-" He make a circular motion with his finger, dramatic as always, "-isn't where I want you to be!"

"So you don't trust me," She spoke in a challenging tone. 

Tony froze and gave her a warning look, "That's not what I said. Now listen, kid, you stay here," he emphasized the here with a clipped voice, and began to walk out. Avery stood up and kept her eyes on the back of his head.


Avery didn't know where this newfound confidence came from but she loved it. She was set on not letting her dad treat her like a child. Avery wanted more than that, she wanted adventure. She no longer wanted to hide behind all these Avengers and be one herself. She noticed Peter hadn't said a word except her name. Out of all people he should have been supporting her. What Avery needed was not someone to simply protect her, but someone where she could reciprocate it. 

However, Tony was not having it. 

"No?" he asked, as if he was waiting on her to repeat what she said. Avery raised an eyebrow.

"I'm finished with you keeping me from everything as if I can't handle it. I handled you, Tony. I fought you and Peter alone. I can take this Hydra agent,"

Tony hated hearing the possibility of his daughter fighting the Winter Soldier alone. The panic that spread through his chest almost caused him to go and hug her and make up just to keep her form doing so. Key word: almost. 

"Avery Stark. You don't go to that man at all. You'll die!" He shouted, to which she took a step forward.

"I'll die knowing I wasn't as useless as you think I am!" She yelled back as loud as she could even Peter was startled. Tony clenched his hands but stormed out to find someone who could knock some sense into Avery. Meanwhile, Peter and Avery sat there in silence.

"Why don't you just listen?" Peter asked quietly. Avery rolled her eyes.

"Not you too, Peter," she mumbled back. He just turned to face her with a confused and almost shocked face.

"We don't want you to die, Av! Why don't you get that?!" He blew up on her, standing up as Peter did so, "Why can't you listen for just one single time ever! Stop trying to be this badass superhero when all you are is a girl!" 

Avery had never felt so much pain in her life. It was the tower situation all over again.

"Get out." she snarled, her insides crumbling after taking so many insulting words from the people she loved, "Get. The. Fuck. Out." She repeated while sending a terrifying glare to Peter. He looked for any sense of guilt or regret in her eyes from saying such a thing but none was there. His back turned against her and he went out the door. She heard a distant slam, like a punch against the wall, followed by a curse. 

Avery sat in the medbay dealing with her anger and letting it steep. No one believed she could really be something. Not her dad, he saw her as a defenseless little girl. Not Peter, he saw her as quite literally nothing. Not any other Avenger, but maybe Natasha. yet she didn't even support her earlier. Her mom would have been with Tony. So who did she really have? No one. Her teeth were clenching as she got up and headed back into the storage room. It was night by now and most of the team were in their quartering rooms. Her feet were as quiet as they could be but her mind's thoughts were loud. She needed to prove herself.

Gently stepping into the room, she began to open the crates looking for anything that could help her. There was a large door with some buttons on a keypad. She assumed this could get her out of here. Avery began testing things until a voice spoke up. 

"This is Mr. Stark's possession," A British male voice said, she smiled.

"Good to hear ya, J," She joked with him and the AI gave a hint on the electronic datapad.

"You as well, Ms. Stark, care for a hint?"


Confused as to why he was giving her the hint, she put Tony's birthdate in the buttons but was given denied access. She then moved on to her mother's. Again, denied. Her last resort was her's, just for fun.

Access Granted

The door opened and Tony's Iron Man suit was shining back at her. 

"This is such a bad idea..." She mumbled before stepping up and opening the suit sticking herself inside. The suit was big on her at first then when completely in, it closed and fit to her dimensions. Soon enough, it was fitting her perfectly. She stepped out of the holding place.

"You know I will alert him as soon as you leave," Jarvis warned, to which Avery shrugged.

"Give me five minutes,"

"No more," 

She smirked and walked in the high tech suit to the back launch bay. Pressing the button to open it and gust of wind was blowing into her face, the helmet saving her from the air pressure. 

"You there Jarvis?" She asked, making sure she would have some type of assistance.

"I am, ma'am. Shall I give you the crash course?" Avery nodded while backing up on the launch pad.

"On the way," She told the AI before running and jumping out the back of the moving air craft towards Bucky Barnes. 

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