Arguments & Ammunition

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A/N: Mate, this chapter is so crappy. I am so sorry you have to read this. No literally you have to read this chapter it's important...

Avery stepped in and slowly made her way to the two men. Her arm was extended with a missile poking out of it, much like Tony Stark's suit arm. Talking about Tony Stark he was astonished by her hostility. Avery looked at Peter, she was mad at him, really mad, and finding him in her workshop looking at her suit plans just made it worse. Peter could tell as he looked down the second she came into the room. 

"Avery, I-" Tony began.

"No you don't get to say anything, Mr. Stark. I tried to reason with you, but you never get it do you?" She warned coming closer, Tony began to puff his chest out to extort dominance, but Avery wasn't scared.

"Why are you doing this?! There is no reason to do any of this! But I want an explanation, why are you working for Iron Women?" Avery's faced hardened, Tony took that as confirmation, "I knew it. She was talking about an inside job, and it was you. Betraying me, giving her my tech! Avery I can't believe you!"

Avery chuckled, almost villain like, Peter was getting nervous. What was she doing? "Well, Anthony, you come up with this big plans, yet you never look right in front of you. I thought you would figure it out easy. I mean all the evidence is there, sir." She finished, Tony looked at her confused.

"What are you saying?"

"Tell me the evidence. Why do you think I am working with her?"

"She knows you, she knows Peter. And...and you have her plans. I KNOW IT'S YOU!" He yelled, Avery's facade broke for a little bit. She couldn't hold her mask on for much longer, she didn't want to hurt her dad or Peter, she didn't want to be this mean. She wanted to hug him, but he needed to figure it out himself.

"I don't work with her."

"Then tell me why you have her plans."

"Figure it out."

"TELL ME!" He blew up in her face, she flinched back scared of a hand touching her, "Avi, I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I blew up." She nodded and then motioned for him to try again.

"You need to tell me."

"No." She noticed her arm was getting tired, put Avery needed to push through.

"She is dangerous and I don't want you around her!"

"How do you know she is dangerous?"

He didn't. She was always pretty kind to her, expect when they got in the fights. But she never did anything, neither villainous or heroic. So why was she a big deal? Tony had no clue.

"I don't."

"Exactly, she just made a suit, and you don't have the courtesy to let her revel in it."

"Why are you so intent with making her sound like a saint?!"

"BECAUSE I AM HER TONY! AND I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!" She exploded on to him, Peter shrank farther back knowing what was about to happen. Tony looked at her, he really looked at her. No one dared to speak as the father saw his daughter for the first time.

He saw the retreating bruise on the side of her face, exactly where he had hit Iron Women. He finally noticed that he never asked where she got the suit arm from. It made sense to Tony now, why Iron Women was always talking about Peter. Why she was gardening at night, why Pepper told him she didn't garden. It was all coming together. But when Tony stopped looking at the Iron Women layer, he saw his little girl. Her eyes were big and began to tear up. The brown captivate him. They were scared, and they were brave at the same time. All the little details and scars from fights past, were visible to Tony. He finally got the courage to speak.

"Why?" He asked in a small quiet voice, she blinked and realised he wasn't going ot try anything. Her arm lowered and Avery took the suit piece off. Tony's eyes followed her every move, he was eager to get hi hands on to the inter-workings of the bionic arm. 

"Why? Why did I make it?" He nodded, "I never knew you were my father, or until the day I walked in on you and Pepper for the first time."

"When I first found out you were her daughter." He said trying to follow, she nodded.

"Exactly. But before that, I had always loved what you were doing. My brain easily could understand everything, which is why I think school is a waste--" Peter scoffed, "Shut up, honey!"

"Stay in school, kid," Tony added, then told her to keep going.

"Anyways, when you became Iron Man, I knew right then, that I wanted to be like you. So I messed around and made an arc reactor, and well I went from there..."

He studied her, she was telling the truth. "Wait. How did you get the arc reactor plans?"

"Oh I never got the plans. We went on a field trip in third grade to see it, and I memorised everything,"

Stark smiled, "That's my girl." She smirked and looked down, but Tony became serious, "Why didn't you ever tell me? You knew how much I cared about you being safe, so why not just tell me?"

"Because SHIELD was always on me! I thought if I ignored you, you would eventually go away..."

Mr. Stark chuckled and looked at her with a smirk, "Oh, I'm not letting you touch that suit for a while!" Avery put a finger on his lips to shut him up.

"You haven't actually accepted me to be your daughter, therefore there is not an actual reason where I have to follow your rules." And she walked away, right after giving him a peck on the cheek> Peter came around and Tony saw him before he left.

"Wait! Kid!" The boy turned to his boss. 

"Yes, Mr. Stark!"

"I don't want to see anymore kissing in the tower, you hear me? No funny business! I may approve of you, but I don't approve of a grandchild quite yet!" Peter paled and began to back away.

"That's right be scared, be very scared." Tony mocked with a weird accent. But he eventually dropped it, wrapped an arm around Peter, and headed inside. Peter was still weirded out.

When the Booth Goes Bright | Tony Stark Daughter x Peter Parker & Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now