Web for Dessert

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A/N: Surprise here's another chapter! Got some teeth pulled so I'm stuck here for a while! Mwah!

Avery couldn't shake the fear that Nat had just bestowed on her. She had heard the stories of the famous Winter Soldier. In fact, he was a hot topic of conversation at school. Some girls were enthralled by him, Avery couldn't deny he didn't have looks but ever since she heard he had ditched Hydra she was on edge. Looks could only get him so far, and she didn't want to exactly have a crush on an assassin. Her body was trembling as she stepped closer to the box and quickly but quietly stuck herself inside. It was tight quarters was Clint had taught her how to sneak through vents so it was fine. She heard Natasha yell something to the others and came over to grab her box, sealing her in. As soon as the box closed Avery began to panic. She was in this for the long run and she wasn't even really sure if she could take this. What if someone tried to kill her right off the bat, what skills did she have? Her hand went to her back pocket where she felt her call button, much like the one Tony made years previous, where she could summon her suit. Of course that was for emergencies as Tony would absolutely murder her but that wasn't the point. Avery began to take small breaths to calm herself and heard someone whisper next to the box.

"You got this, kid," before getting jostled some more. 

Nat picked it up and grunted, making Avery want to chuckle but she shut up so her cover wasn't blown. Natasha brought the case to Stark. 

"Found some more provisions. I'll put them into the back," She spoke while putting the box on the top of a cart to wheel to the back of the quinjet. 

"You got it there?" Tony joked as she struggled for a moment to put it on the cart. Nat flipped him off and continued to push Avery on to the cart. Yet before Nat had time to push it, Tony came up to her and Avery felt his presence, becoming extremely quiet. 

"Have you seen the kid?" Tony asked his voice becoming serious, "He's struggling with what happened. I don't know how to help him, I'm still figuring this out too though," She heard Nat sigh and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Tony, you can figure this out with her later. Right know we need to get this mission over with," She was getting stressed that his suit would detect the body signature in the box.

"Did I do the right thing?" He said with so much confusion and sincerity. Nat took his state in and could tell this had been eating at him.

"You did what you thought was best," she concluded before leaving Tony to his own devices to think. She walked around to the back of the quinjet trying to avoid all the agents she could. Her nerves starting to come to her as she still thought about the uniform she gave Avery. Her past was finding inescapable ways to find her again, it would only be so much time until nightmares took her over once more. Shaking away the nightmares of the Red Room, she dragged the cart up into the storage area. Sticking Avery in the corner with some space around her should she want to come out. She leaned down near the edge, unlocking the case. 

"it's about a 12 hour flight. I unlocked it for you if you want to come out. The rest of the storage is acting as a barrier. Just stay quiet and stay hidden. I don't need Stark biting my ass," Avery chuckled at that and Nat couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks Nat," she heard a small voice whisper before Nat got up and walked out, closing the storage door behind so that no one else would look in there. As soon as Avery felt the ship jolt and move off the ground she waiting about 10 minutes (or what felt like it) before pushing herself out of the box. Her cautious nature got the best of her and she held up a fist ready to take down anyone who was a threat, yet when she saw nothing the makeshift barrier she relaxed and sat against the wall. 

"This won't be so bad," she mumbled before settling in for the long ride.


Avery had no idea how much time had passed but she found herself waking up from the sound of muffled yelling. She quickly got a hold of her consciousness and got in a defensive squat to listen to the voices outside. 

"What was I supposed to do, Mr. Stark! She could be killed if she came with us!" A familiar voice shouted out. Peter. She thought, she hadn't heard his voice in a while. A second one joined the high schooler's.

"You make her cry again, Spidey, I will not hesitate to ground you for life." Avery chuckled at her dad's protectiveness but the conversation took a turn, "Do this again, and I won't hesitate to break the two of you up," he threatened. Small footsteps followed his own large banging ones.

"I was trying to protect her!" He screamed in a tone threatening tears.

"That's my job. Stay out of it!" Stark shouted, in a loud and harsh tone. That seemed to shut Peter up as he stormed into the storage room for some alone time. Avery didn't know how to handle the situation and what to think. Both men cared so much for her but they were so different. She scrambled to the wall so that Peter couldn't see her anymore. She heard soft mumbling.

"I was only trying to protect her...she's all I have. I love her, I can't lose her..." Peters voice began to get drowned out by the sobs that racked his body. More phrases left his lips about how much he wanted to protect her and how one day he wanted to marry her. Avery was confused where this was all coming from as they were still in high school but nonetheless listened closely. Her own eyes began tearing up and she let out a few sobs. She didn't know Peter cared this much. That he didn't make her stay but rather made her do it because she really meant something to him. Gathering every last ounce of courage, Avery stood up to meet the boy's eyes.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, before Peter shot a web right at her face. 

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