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A/N: OMG sorry I have been gone for so long! I just needed some me time, and writer's block came around. I laughed, then cried during this chapter and you will see why soon. So enj--

Steve: Wait, why did you laugh? There was nothing funny??

Author: Oh I made a TikTok reference...

Steve: TIkTok? Like time?

Author: Steve, don't worry about it. Stick to fighting...

Steve: No, no, no. What is TikTok!

Author: Let the reader read the chapter! Come on, let's go to Tony's lab to talk this out...

Steve: Fine! Have fun reading!

Avery had been training with Steve for the past hour. Talking about Steve, he was the one to train her the most. Although Tony wanted to, he claimed he had no time. But everyone knew it was because he still felt guilty from the "night". Steve eventually stepped in and became a second dad to Avery. She never forgot that Tony is her real dad, but if he was busy Steve was the direct choice. 

"Avery, come on! It's not that hard! Swing, snap, rock!" Steve yelled for the eightieth time.

"You keep saying that, yet I still don't know what you want me to do!" She yelled back at him, frustrated.

"Swing your fist, snap their wrist to immobilise that hand, and then punch them again hard to rock them and put them off balance and pull them to the ground!" Avery grunted and then motioned to go again. She then took him out, or as much as she could. When she tried to rock him, his strong body held firm.

"I-I can't do it, Steve! If I am not able to take you down, how will I take anyone down?" Steve stopped and looked at her. She had no faith in herself, and he needed to get her to. He wanted her to trust herself.

"Avery, you fought Iron Man,"

"Not one of my proudest moments..." She mumbled, Steve rolled his eyes.

"So you took a few hits, then walked it off!"

"I had the suit!"

"No, Avery," He started, "You had the passion. You were mad at Tony, you were scared you were brave. You believed you could do it. This is no difference,"

"You're a fricking Super Soldier, Steve! Tony had a suit, even I had a suit!"

"Yeah , a suit that kept him safe from harm when fighting a lot of the bad guys out there. Yet you, YOU, were able to stun enough to take him down. You have this, Avery," She looked at him, he really believed in her. Avery didn't have a lot of people like that in her life before her dad. No one at school, but Peter, wanted to here about her break throughs, or about recreating the arc reactor. It was all "No one cares" or "No one will listen", and she has thought that to be the truth. But looking at Steve, seeing the hope in his eyes made her think. Maybe I am fit to fight.

"Again," She whispered, Steve nodded and got in position. Avery went at him. She swung a jab to the left side of his jaw, then grabbed his wrist, as if she would break it. Past that, she had come to the most important part, the overthrow. Avery pulled back her palm and thought of everything that happened on the fateful night. The tears, the yelling, the fighting. The world vanished, it was all black. She let it all go, closing her eyes in the process.

She felt her knees drop, it was like her hearing was damaged for half a second. She was in peace. She let it all out. Avery heard a voice calling out to her.

"Avery! Avery! Honey--open--eyes," It kept cutting in and out, she held her head in pain. The darkness was calling to her, urging her to come, and she wanted nothing to do but rest.


"Peter, go home. I can't let you sit here forever, May would kill me!" Tony explained to the kid, he looked terrible, almost worst than his girlfriend. Peter's eyes were slowly darkening beneath, his mouth saying silent please for Avery to be okay. Tony went up to him and wrapped his arms around him. He felt the young boy clench on him, holding on for dear life. Peter eventually let go, and nodded to Mr. Stark.

"If she wakes up, you call me. Please, Mr. Stark,"

"Will do, kiddo," And he made his way out the door. However, Tony strolled back to the chair along his daughters bed. It had been seven hours since she fainted. They had figured out already why she did, but Tony wasn't ready for that conversation. Guilt already riddled him. He didn't have time to think about it though, as ten minutes after, he saw her rustling.

"Dad, dad, dad, DAD!" She screamed, Tony frantically shook her awake. Avery shot up, opened her eyes, and punched him in the face. He stumbled back as Avery came to. Realising what she did, her sobs filled the room as she ran up to her father. Crushing him into a hug, they both cried, each for a different reason.

"W-what happened? Why was I out? A-and you're alive!" She seemed to be rejoicing.

"When you were training, Steve told us he informed you to use the emotions from a couple of months ago. You ended up having so many things happening and since there were too many connections to handle, your body shut down,"

"How long?" Stark sighed.

"Seven hours...Avi, I'm so sorry. I really--"

"No, dad," She comforted him, "I'm fine, I feel rested. Nothing was your fault,"

"yes, it is, honey! I made you train that was stupid,"

"I wanted to!" She retaliated, Tony softened at her. 

"Fine," He paused, "What do you mean 'I'm alive?'"

Avery froze, she didn't want to tell him about the dreams. She hated reliving them.

"Nothing. I wanted to make sure everyone was okay,"

Tony gave her a weird look, he knew she was lying. "Yeah sure...well get some sleep, I'm going to go notify Peter," 

"Peter? Dad, tell him to hurry! I want to see him!" She squealed, Tony laughed and looked up.

"JARVIS, alert the kid."

"Yes, sir," He left, and not soon after Natasha made her way in.

"How you feeling, kid?" She sat down on the end of her bed, "You took quite a hit,"

Avery slowly nodded, and then the dreams began to resurface. He eyes began to release the pent up tears. Nat immediately pulled her in for a hug, stroking her back.

"Ry, what's wrong?" Avery made a weird face.

"Ry?" Nat shrugged.

"I thought it was cute!" She quickly went back to her concerned demeanour, "What happened Avery?"

"I had a dream," Avery began, Nat didn't laugh, she didn't say it wasn't real. The assassin had her fair share of nightmares.

"What was it about?" The girl pondered telling her, but she knew Nat would understand,

"I had a dream, that dad died..."

When the Booth Goes Bright | Tony Stark Daughter x Peter Parker & Tom HollandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ