Why Do You Care?

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Pepper's daughter cringed hearing her mom's voice. She knew that her mom lied to her, but at this moment, she couldn't lose everyone.

"Hi, Mom." She croaked out, Pepper couldn't hold herself back anymore. Her baby was in pain, and she just wanted to hold her. Avery obliged and squeezed her mom tight. She hadn't done this in ages, and she need a hug. Her world was crashing down around, she didn't talk to her mom in weeks, yet here she was. Acting like nothing happened. This was when Avery realized that she needed her mom, that she didn't want to be mad anymore. 

"Oh honey," Pepper cooed, "What happened?" Avery unwrapped herself from her mom's arms, and started to play with her fingers.

She took a staggered breath, "I finished the suit," she felt her mom go still, "And I went out to test it."

"Well how did it go?" her mom asked cautiously.

"I met my idol. I met Stark, but he punched me, I strangled him. Overall 10/10 experience." laughed humorlessly. Pepper wanted to scold her, to tell her she did the wrong thing, but she couldn't, she just held her again. "It's just, my whole world is crumbling, mom. Peter lied to me, you lied to me, and Tony hit me in the face." Pepper stroked her hair, and Avi closed her eyes.

"Avi, I love you. You know that. And I don't like these inventions, or the suit. But I can tell I won't stop you. So promise me. Promise me you won't go in over you head. Please." Avery nodded, Pepper continued, "And I am sorry for not telling you about my job. It's just really stressful, and the media attention is crazy. I don't want to put that on you." Her daughter looked up at her.

"I know, mom, and I understand. I just didn't like you lying to me. Tell me about your job."

Pepper chuckled, "Okay, well let me tell you about Clint first. One time he was in the vents..."

The night went on like that. Pepper telling stories and Avery soon falling asleep on her mom's shoulder. Eventually Pepper heard her little snores and carried her upstairs to her room, when the door bell went off.

"Hi, Pep!" Her face made an o shape.

"Tony, it's 5 in the morning. Why didn't you just wait until I got to work?"

"Because, it's important!" Pepper rolled her eyes.

"Okay, shoot."

"There is another Iron Man. Calls herself the Iron Women. I swear Pep, she was just a kid though. Peter came by and tried to fight her, but held back. She said Peter knew her. She made this suit and I can--"

Pepper cut him off, "How do you know they made the suit?" Tony shrugged.

"The tech wasn't the same as mine. They literally figured it out by themselves. Pepper they are almost smarter than me, that's scary." Pepper smirked in her head, her daughter was smarter than her boss. 

"Well, what do you want me to do, Tony?" He stormed up from the chair and started pacing around, when he saw a shed in the back.

"Since when do you garden?" he asked Pepper.

"Since forever. Pay attention, boss. Look let's go to work. You drive there, I'll meet you there. There are some things I need to do."

Tony nodded and went out the door. Pepper made sure he was gone before writing a note to Avery.

You sure got Tony riled up! Try not to piss off a superhero? 

Love you,


PS: Clean your bathroom before I get home


Avery was still giggling about her mom's note when she saw the one person she missed the most. Peter looked at her unsure of what to do. When she walked up to her locker next to his, he couldn't hold himself back. Peter turned Avery towards him and hugged her. Hard. Avery only hugged back just as hard. 

"I'm sorry, Avery." He sounded genuinely sorry.

"I'm sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have snapped. I just had a bad day," She nudged his shoulder. They turned around and started walking to class, "Was Iron Women the best you could come up with?" Peter just put his hands up defensively.

"Hey I was improvising! Plus I think it works!"

"I think it does too, Spidey."


Avery began coming to the tower a lot. She helped Peter fix his suits, and even made a few renovations to some other Stark tech. JARVIS became her other best friend, they would always team up to prank Tony. Talking about Tony, Avery is still bother by that night three months ago. She hasn't flown since that time, but Tony hasn't stopped worrying about it either. She knows one slip up could lead her to jail, so Avery doesn't bring up the topic.

"JARVIS, you gotta lady?" Avery spoke to the ceiling, Peter started laughing out loud.

"No, miss, I'm an AI, I have no emotions."

Avery let out a sigh, "Oh well..."

"May I ask what's on your mind, miss."

She smirked at Peter, "Nothing, JARV! I just had the perfect match for you."

"If you bring her in, then I can see if our mainframes are compatible." JARVIS replied, Avery silently yelled yes.

"Did you just set my AI on a blind date?" Avery whirled around to see Tony laughing.

"Robots have feelings too, old man. Right DUM-E?" The contraption opened it's claws at her in affirmation, she looked back at Tony. "I think your robots like you more than me..."

"JARV, this better not be true!" Tony exclaimed.

"Absolutely not, sir." Tony gave Avery a 'suck it' look and started to walk away.

"Avery wins no question." JARVIS added, making Stark turn around and see both of the kids on the floor laughing themselves to tears. He gave up and decided to see what Pepper was up to.

"Pete, I'm gonna go say hi to mom. Be right back!" Peter acknowledged her with a grunt and she skipped out.

Avery walked through the corridors admiring everything again, just like the first time she was here. The tower now felt like a second home. She scampered through the Avengers display room, and read all the bios. Avery rolled her eyes when she saw that Spiderman was afraid of Spiders. She knew that was going to be a good prank later. When she made it to her mom's office, she walked straight in.

"Hi Mom! Aaaand, Tony!" She exclaimed in surprise. Well she definitely messed this up. Tony just looked at Pepper with a raised brow, and mouthed to her, daughter? Pepper nodded and looked back at Avery.

"Well honey, cat's out of the bag now. Yes, Tony. She is my daughter. No she will not be working here. And no, you may not know who the father is." She answered all of his questions rapid fire, which made Tony let out a huff and leave the office. 

"Okay, uuh. I'm going to work with Peter again..." Avery awkwardly informed, leaving her mother. She was about to leave when she heard her mom say something to herself.

"Tony, you can't know who the father is, because she's yours..."


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