That's what I said

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Avery and Peter stood in Tony's workshop drinking a Coke, while Tony himself made sure "Happy was keeping up with his security work". They stood there for a while, before they broke the silence.

"Look, I'm sorr-"

"Peter, why did-"

They spoke at the same time, Avery laughed and gave Peter the go ahead to talk.

"I'm sorry, Avi. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about all of this. I just--I just wanted to make sure you were friends with me for me, and not my job. I just started it when you moved here, and so I was getting used to it too, and..." Peter saw Avery looking at him unimpressed, "I guess I wanted to make sure you weren't using me to get to your idol."

Avery's eyes softened, "Peter, yes I'm a little mad you didn't tell me," He gave her a funny look.

"A little mad? You literally slapped me!" He chuckled, Avery smacked his arm. 

"You deserved that! You had been lying to me this whole time, nerd."

"I would like to disagree!"

She cut him off to finish her, gag, sentiment.

"But! I would never take advantage of you like that. You have helped me in the ungodly hours of the morning to build little inventions, make our legos figures, and look up college equations to see who could do them better. Heck, you made up J.A.N.E.'s name. I mean, "Just Another Nifty Experiment"? Who even uses nifty anymore? You do, and you're quirky. Which why I love you, Pete." Peter melted right then and there, which Avery took that as an invitation to hug him. When their arms met, it felt safe. But not that cliche safe, yet like that safe where you knew, all your secrets would never come out. You could trust them. 

Peter broke the hug and took Avery's hand to his worktable. On it were bracelet things with holes at the top. She looked at it more closely, realizing they metal, with accents of red and blue. There was a vile next to it with a label: WEB FLUID. Avery gasped when she saw what it was.

Peter fumbled for words, "Yeah sometimes w-we hang out, you know doing scienc-y things?" He said in more of a questioning tone.

"You trying to tell me, you work with Spiderman?" Peter nodded and Avery literally screamed.

"PETER LET ME MEET HIM!" Which were the words that made the boy realize, he needed to tell her soon. But not yet, and that was a mistake

"Maybe one day...he is out right now."

"Fine! But don't let me down." Peter laughed and continued to give Avery the tour. When he landed on a half made experiment Avery stopped. 

"Peter, can I help? I'm guessing these were the equations we were talking about in the car?" She asked. This caught Tony's, who was eavesdropping, ear to perk up.

"Yeah, exactly. Mr. Stark wants them finished by tomorrow, but none of us can seem to figure it out,"  Tony observed her as she completed some equations, one's that he even had some trouble on. 

"Well, I will give it shot," She answered smirking, Peter whined.

"But you are just going to sHoW oFf!" He complained, Avery laughed at his state. She did them in about ten minutes. Amazed by her actions, he took this as a cue to enter.

"I see that you were able to finish those equations, Avery." The two teens jumped, startled by his sudden entry. "Is your dad a genius or something?" He joked, Avery giggled.

"Sign issues, not uncommon. One out of five." She nonchalantly stated, "And, Mr. Stark, you wish you were my dad! But, I confess, there is no one who gave me it. That genius is 100% me..." Avery then stated cockily.

Tony scoffed in disbelief, he just met this kid and she was already using her sarcasm and snark. 

"Peter. Bring her in more often..." Peter just laughed at Avery when she let out a little squeak, soon to be smothered by a "try to act cool" look.

"Sir, Pepper is coming down." The voice from above said, Avery looked up and smiled. Then she realized what it had said. 

"Pepper?" She whispered to herself, "is that how she knows so much about Stark?"

"Thanks, JARVIS!" Tony yelled back, he noticed Avery's smile at JARVIS, "Don't be alarmed that's JARVIS he is an--"

"An AI. Yes, Tony, I know. I made one myself." Before he could ask her to elaborate, he heard heel clacking.

"Okay Tony, this is the last time you tell me to rest. I knew you were going to sneak out and try to leave. I have something I need to talk to you ab--" 

"Pepper?" Avery asked, feeling intensely betrayed by her mother keeping this secret, even Peter's eyes bulged. He forgot to tell Pepper they were coming over, I mean it was a last minute thing. Tony was just overall confused, he pointed at the two women.

"Do you two know each other?" Avery just glared at the women.

"No Mr. Stark, we don't know each other at all." She confirmed in a deathly tonne, "Excuse me. I have had an amazing time, but I have to go." And she hurried out the lab door, with Peter following after her. Pepper watched her retreating figure. What has she done? 

"Pep, there was something you needed to talk about? Well I'm free now." He tried, attempting to lighten the situation.

 "You know can wait" Pepper stated while cautiously staring into the distance, imagining how dinner will be.

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