Chapter 21: Midnight Talks

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(A/N: Probably my favorite chapter so far!)

That night went by fast as Zy lays on the hard ground laying besides the Avatar. Though, tonight was much different. As much as her excitement of seeing Toph and Korra she was worried. Slowly she lets go of Korra's arms, realizing she was holding onto her. Instead, Zylia restlessly gets up and walks out the dimly lit area and towards a tree near by, wanting to keep guard. Maybe she'll come back. She sits down and looks around, only hearing crickets and bats in the night air, no sign of other human life.

Parts of her memory of the Spirit world filled her mind. After Iroh helped her, they talked about how I got Korra to the right spot...essentially leaving her wondering of Korra needed her anymore.

"Zy?" A groggy voice causes the non-bender to spot Korra, who rubs her eye, sitting besides her. "Why aren't you sleeping?" She ask, causing guilt to fill her friends heart. Zylia never meant to wake up the cute women.

"I didn't mean to wake you."

"...I got cold." With a chuckle Zylia knew that was an excuse.

"The Avatar got cold?" She questions, looking at her the girl.

"What? Your like a little heater!" She protest. "We've been cuddling for so long it's hard not to have you around..." Her voice dies down at the end, warming Zylia's beating heart. "You sure your not a fire bender?"

"I'm sure of it." They both chuckle lightly, as Korra leans into Zy, placing her hand lightly on top of the non bender's. Handsy.

"You never told me how you ended up out here."

"You didn't either." Zy replies back, it immediately makes her cringe at her insensitive answer, making her shake her head. "Sorry, that was rude." She mumbles, pulling her hand away from Korra and rubs her thighs. "It...I saw something." Zylia admits noticing Korra shivers slightly looking away.

"What was it?" She ask, softly, almost cautiousl. Zylia could tell the she seemed tense of the situation.

"You saw her." She puts together, looking at her Cutie. "Didn't you?" Korra only nods. Her and Korra talked about the visions, how they seemed less frequent with her around, but never has she heard what their interactions was. Zylia decided to talk about her experiences first."This might sound silly." Continuing she looks away From Korra and towards the bright moon. "But I thought I saw Jinora, Ikki and Meelo." In honestly Zy clutches her thick sweats, taking a deep breath.

"For a moment I thought they were here," In all her life her weakness was always her siblings. Tears start to slide down as she continues to stare at the moon as if she was talking to Princess Yue. "but they weren't." With a sad chuckle she wiped her tears, hating salty water on her face. "When Amon was attacking Republic City, I was heading here...actually I was at the Air temple...after he was taken down." She admits again clutching tighter. "I saw all four of my siblings there and I couldn't bring myself to go to them and tell them I miss them." Tears fall harder as she closes her eyes. "I felt so cowardly to not go out there, I felt ashamed of leaving, and I was afraid that my father wouldn't want me around. I'm the child who wasn't a gift." A sob breaks from her mouth, making Zylia clutch onto her chest, her heart aching. She didn't know why she was so emotional open with Korra, but it was always a relief after. "When I thought I saw them, I wanted to change my fears, so I chased them out here and..." It was only silent, like everything everywhere was listening in. "And I'm the worse big sister."

They were silent. "You agree with me I assume."

"Absolutely not." Korra looks at her as she holds her tightly clutch hands, calming them instantly. "You were trying to find yourself out here, and your dad was bing an ass and you were willing to go back to save them." The Avatar puts her hands to her own chest, her heart beating a bit faster. "When you found out they were fine, you knew they were with people who can protect them, but you weren't ready...just like I've been." Her green eyes still wandered to the moon, until Korra brings Zy's face towards her cyan eyes.

"After my fight with Zaheer, after he poisoned me, I'd have nightmares of myself with these chains I had on." She was letting go and telling Zy her story. It was honoring. "At the South, I was getting better, physically, and I was asked to come back to Republic City. When I left I was just a few miles from there...but she came back to haunt me. So I turn away. It happened multiple times, and sometimes I would go in rings and fight her-me, but I got badly injured each time." Zylia heart clutches as she hears her troubles, her PTSD, her story.

"But eventually it lead me to you, like how you were lead to me. I feel like I'm almost ready to go back, I just need Toph to help me, and maybe she'll help you too." Zylia tilts her head as she smiles, feeling her hands go towards Korra's face, holding her soft brown checks. It was touching how Korra spoken anout her and them. "I coming back to each other...was no mistake." Korra leans a bit closer to Zylia, their eyes glistening in the moon light. The Avatar is completely right. Zylia would not have the courage to get closer to admitting her faults of leaving and her pro in leaving without finding Korra. The flustering feeling in her chest-in her heart-in her mind-in her soul was telling her the truth of how both of their souls were intertwined. How the length of time away from each other made them crash with each other in a blissful, inspiring, emotional connection.

They learn from one another.
They fight with one another.
They breathe with one another.
And they love one another.

So as Korra reaches for Zylia's own check, she felt no shame, no hate, no resentment, it was impossible to feel any of that towards her. It was only a caring, gentle, gorgeous love that filled them as they both realized they are only things they need to go improve and move forward in their lives. And as their eyes flutter close all she feel is an undying sensation of excitement and love.

Oh she just loved Korra.

"Ew! Oogies!" Suddenly Toph crackles follow after as both female jump, causing Zylia to fall backward off the large Trees' root. Landing on her back. "Hahah! You two are worse than Aang and Katara. Full of the Oogies."

"Are you okay?" Korra leans down from the root, the moon glowing past the strains of brown locks and giving her a good view of her blushing checks, and her coy smile.

"Course I am Cutie." She grabs Korra's hand, and begins to be lifted up, and back to her feet.

"You two get back in here soon. Lots of work tomorrow." They watch as Toph waddles back in, causing both girls to look at each other.

Without words, they both know that it was a sign. With all their passion towards each other it was a sign that they have to focus on their goals of getting back to their home before they can continue their unending love for one another.

They still have their whole life ahead of them.

They still have their whole after life
With each other.

They know there was time for them both.

Before moving Korra looks back to the cave, Zy following. As she looks back, about to ask her a question the Avatar hops over the root and puts an arm on her back and uses her other to hold Zy's face. For a moment they just looked at each other, with Zylia frozen in her eyes. The slightly talker girl leans in and plants a gentle kiss onto her cheek. "I-I want to kiss you...but I want to make you wait for it."

What is this women doing to me?! Korra then begins to walk away towards their sleeping area, leaving Zylia star struck.

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